Marlon Veal profile picture

Marlon Veal

Marlon's Music

About Me

From 80's Heavy Metal guitarist, to a Southern Gospel singer/musician thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ. I started out playing guitar at the age of 14 and played lead guitar in several 80's metal bands including CUTTHROAT, MANIAC, and ROXX. Although I had made a profession of faith at a young age, it wasn't until after my wild teenage years, actually when I turned 30 that I was convicted by the Holy Spirit and born again. This new chapter in my life, that of Southern Gospel/ Bluegrass music actually started as a gift to my mother. She enjoyed hearing me sing and play gospel songs, so I made her a tape full of songs which she played every day and it grew from there. I also began singing other places including my home church, Sardis Baptist Church in Gainesville Georgia. I had a lot of people come to me and say I should make a CD and tell me how much of a blessing they recieved from my singing, so I started recording my first CD "Thankful" Mother's day 2005, which was the first Mother's Day without my mother, she passed away on June 23, 2004. The CD was released on June 23, 2005 and dedicated to my mom, Levartha Veal. It has been favorably recieved and I have had many people tell me what a blessing it has been to them. As long as I can be a blessing to someone through my singing and glorify God that is my only goal in this ministry. The riches I have recieved from hearing one person tell me of the positive impact a song has had on them is worth more than any money or fame I could ever recieve. It's all for Gods glory and praise! Truly, if not for the Lord Jesus Christ I would be nothing and he deserves all the credit for anything accomplished through my music. For without him I can do nothing! ZEC. 4:6****

My Interests


Member Since: 6/2/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: All vocals and music performed by Marlon Veal
Influences: The Inspirations,Old Paths Quartet,Doyle lawson,Amos Stover, Roger Fortner
Sounds Like: southern gospel with a touch of bluegrass
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

George Carlin

I tried to clean this up somewhat, if I missed some words, please forgive me. It's a sad commentary...   George Carlin On Religion When it comes to bs, big-time, major league bs, you have to stan...
Posted by Marlon Veal on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 05:49:00 PST

Georgia Mountain Roots and Music Festival

On Saturday June 14th I attended the Georgia Mountain Roots and Music Festival in Hiawassee Georgia and was able to meet some of my MySpace friends and hear some great music. I always enjoy getting t...
Posted by Marlon Veal on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 08:55:00 PST


Just wanted to post some of my favorite quotes. Feel free to post some of your favorites, I'd love to read them and maybe some of them can become my favorites also! "By the grace of God and a pot of ...
Posted by Marlon Veal on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 01:13:00 PST


Posted by Marlon Veal on Sat, 17 May 2008 08:20:00 PST

In memory......

I wrote this story a while back and thought I’d share it with everyone on the anniversary of the 1936 tornado which destroyed my hometown, Gainesville Georgia, killing over 200 people and injur...
Posted by Marlon Veal on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 07:58:00 PST

Storm Chaser

I’m sure most of you have heard of storm chasers, you know, those people who go out to the mid-west and look for a tornado to film or study. I’ve always wanted to do that, just not here in...
Posted by Marlon Veal on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 07:25:00 PST

Life and Death

I went to a funeral today. On Sunday morning, my second cousin Ashley was on her way to church. Just within sight of the church she ran off the road, over-corrected, flipped the car and was ejected an...
Posted by Marlon Veal on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 05:50:00 PST

One of my most embarrassing moments ever!

So, today I took my daughter Emily to the NHL Rockin Skate 2008, which was a event with proceeds  benefiting Usher's New Look Foundation, a non-profit program established to expose youn...
Posted by Marlon Veal on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 02:55:00 PST

So, How was your Holiday?

Well Christmas is over and the New Year is just days away and then it's back to work for me. On Wednesday, I will have been off work for 12 days so it's going to be hard getting back into the grind. I...
Posted by Marlon Veal on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 05:25:00 PST

Looking back, looking forward.

Well it's that time of year when I reflect back on the year that has passed. For the most part it has been a good year. I have been blessed with another year together with friends and family, made man...
Posted by Marlon Veal on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 06:44:00 PST