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Stacey Robinson

Operating In My Purpose!

About Me

There is no way I can fully disclose who I am. I am still searching for the whole complete "her." I am a work in progress. I do not like to do a whole lot of talk about myself, but this is an opportunity for me to share a bit of who I am with you. I'll put it this way, Stacey is charming, inquisitive, compassionate, loving, smart, and the list continues. I grew up in a family of singers and musicians, which meant that at any given time of the day someone was either singing or playing the guitar or piano or clarinet or hearing the clamor of the drum. I sang all over our home state of Alabama(everybody ain't country) with my two very talented sisters. 99% of the time, I wanted to quit. I didn't like getting up in front of people. My hands would get all sweaty and my stomach would ache and I would yawn uncontrollably(symptom of nervousness). Like I said, I wanted to quit, but the powers that be, also called Dad, made me do it anyway. I believe God gave him the mandate to groom me in this manner. If you had told me back then, that I would be considering music as career, I would have told you that you were crazy. I know that God has called me to minister to His people through songs of praise and worship and songs about life as a Christian.I play piano by ear and I enjoy creating new melodies and lyrics. Sitting at the keys and singing new songs from the heart, relaxes me and invigorates me at the same time. "Look to the Hills" is one song I wrote.A day in the life of me would be (other than working with middle schoolers) spending time in prayer and meditation with the Lord; Spending time with my family and playing board games; Singing with my church's praise team and choir; Sitting at my keyboard with notepad and pencil; and that's enough. I am a professional singer. I've sung on other other artist's albums, as a background singer. I've performed at concerts(opening act), weddings, funerals, conferences, baseball games, and other venues. My heart and soul in in gospel music. It's my life!

My Interests


Member Since: 6/1/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:
Influences: God, Mom and Dad, 2 Awesome Sisters & 2 Awesome Brothers. God showed me that my gift was special to him. He taught me how to worship and gave me the freedom to sing! Harmony influences came from the countless southern quartet singers we listened to on Sunday mornings(Thanks to Dad) and hours and hours of bootcamp, I mean practice in the family living room(Thanks to Dad, again), where quitting wasn't an option. Mom has always been supportive in everything I've attempted(a constant encourager). She makes everything I do, appear special. Thanks, Mom! My sisters, who are the best singers I know, are the reason I sing the way I do. You are my greatest competition(just kidding, this is no contest). To my brothers, who are two very outstanding men, you make me proud to be your sister. Thanks for letting me be me and loving me, anyway! To my husband, my relationship with you has taught me what it "really" means to trust God in everything! My daughter influences me to see the newness in each day. My SoCal/MVCC family, has supported and nurtured me as a Christian first and as a Christian Artist. Thanks, to the most anointed shepherd and worship pastor, who saw gifts in me, that I didn't see in myself. Thanks for the teaching. To a host of close friends(you know who you are) that when I'm weak, keep me encouraged to press forward toward the "prize!" Love, yal!
Sounds Like:

Record Label: Christian Life Music
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Find Your Focus!

Busy, busy, busy! Nowadays, you can’t even sit down with a friend over a cup of jo, because she’s busy. Living in such a high paced society, we don’t even have time for important s...
Posted by Stacey Robinson on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 10:21:00 PST

The Real Deal!

When you find the real deal, don’t look for an excuse for it to be anything less. You may say, "I don’t want to commit to this because there may be something better." Sometimes, we sabotag...
Posted by Stacey Robinson on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 06:11:00 PST

Beyond the Mask!

Be careful whose company you keep. People, we must be persuaded that God is our source of life, strength, joy, and so much more. When we put our trust in a man or a woman to "complete" us, we are se...
Posted by Stacey Robinson on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 10:23:00 PST

Friends gone Wrong!

Okay, what about your friends? Often, I am contacted by people who are struggling in their relationship, whether they be married, family, or friends. I talk to many young people who are struggling w...
Posted by Stacey Robinson on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 11:04:00 PST


All surprises are not pleasant! Have you ever just been hit with something from left field, that just left you speechless? We'll how do you handle it? So, tell me, with what have you been unpleasan...
Posted by Stacey Robinson on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 09:58:00 PST

Talk 2 Mey!

Let's get real! We are all "jacked up" and need help! God has provided us with the map of life, through his word. There are pastors, elders, deacons, sisters, and brothers, who are around to offer ...
Posted by Stacey Robinson on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 12:28:00 PST

Make a Move!

Who do you want to be?  Where do you want to go?  Well, why are you just sitting there.  You gotta get up and do something.  Don't expect to know it all right away.  So, what ...
Posted by Stacey Robinson on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 10:16:00 PST