FaMiLy WoMeN profile picture

FaMiLy WoMeN

About Me

It is a blessing to be a true worshiper of Jesus Christ! It is not by my own goodness but by grace through faith in Christ. I am honored to be considered a child of God. Holding fast to the word of God through the Holy Bible and applying the scriptures to my life. Comparing my life to the word of God and not to man. Because the bible says that man looks at the outwards appearance but God see's the heart! I am daily laying my life down in the presence of the Lord and allowing Him to make me into the Christ follower that He wants me to be. I am a wife to a man that loves the Lord and knows how to direct his family in the fear and love of God. Last but not least I am a mother of two wonderful children that the Lord has given me a charge to homeschool. I have learned that nothing in life is easy but the question is, is what you are living for: is it worth it. And my answer is YES!! I am living for the glory and love of Christ! It is more than worth it;it's the only way! girls layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments

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