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About Me

I've wasted a lot of time living for me and I know for most that doesn't seem like a waste of time. I mean the motto or mission statement of our culture is Do YOU! Live life to the fullest!.The thing is I finally realized that "Doing Me" was actually hurting God, the same God that I claimed to love and live for, I was actually defaming Him with my life. Most people that know me would probably say, "wait..hold up Nyasha, you weren't that bad of a person" And maybe compared to most I wasn't that bad, but in view of a Holy God I was a liar, a thief, a fornicator,a blasphemer, selfish, ungrateful, a hypocrite, perverse, hateful, jealous, and the list goes on and on!The scary thing was I also realized that going to church, praying or even being baptized wasn't gonna wipe my slate clean before God and surely wasn't enough to free me from all these temptations and desires that seem to so powerfully control me.I had only one choice left: To raise the while flag and BEG God to help me!.And He Did!!!! He showed me through His Word, and some amazing people he put in my life, that I had to make a crucial decision: to Repent (for real) and turn from my sinful life and really give my whole heart and faith to Christ.Its been one of the hardest but the BEST decisions I ever made. I realize now that all the stuff I was caught up in was such a LIE- I'd been bamboozled!But that's the short story, if you wanna know more or ANYTHING at all about me or my testimony feel free to holla at me!Also...if your a skeptic of Christianity, religion, or even a Christian that may just have some questions about the Faith definitely Holla at me!I love yall..and I'm really so blessed to have you all in my Life. I'm convinced that there are no coincidences and if we know each other then it was really meant to be.
DJ Sweatshop...Breaking the Silence

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