BLOOD FREAK is an underground death/grind/gore/thrash metal band from Portland, Oregon. Band influences include: Impetigo, Autopsy, Repulsion, Grave, Entombed(old), Metallica(old), Slayer(old), the Misfits(old), Black Sabbath, Dark Angel, Overkill, and many other great classic metal bands of the past.
The biggest influence of all, though, are cult and obscure horror/gore/cult-films from the 60's, 70's and 80's! Nothing beats a fun, cheesy drive-in movie made in 2 days in 1974, or an out of print VHS-era cheapo gore flick from 1983! The love for this stuff is obsessive and bordering on dangerous and scary at times. Everybody involved in the band suffers from an extreme bad case of brain rot and the demand for GORETITS is more than ever! Melt down horror DVD's....shoot it into our veins, and watch the MADNESS begin! More monsters, more freaks, more cheese, more movies!!! FUCK FASHION, WE WANT BLOOD!BLOOD FREAK has 3 full-length albums out, all on horror/gore metal specialty label - Razorback Records. "Sleaze Merchants" came out in 2003 and "Live Fast, Die Young... And Leave A Flesh-Eating Corpse!" came out in 2006. The latest, "Multiplex Massacre", came out in 2007.There will be many more to come after that as this band is dedicated and addicted to creating crushing horror/gore worshipping METAL and nothing else!! Expect only the finest gore from BLOOD FREAK and get ready for a roller-coaster ride of true horror metal insanity!