Member Since: 6/1/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: COLLECTIF YOLK::Alban Darche/Jean-Louis Pommier/Matthieu Donarier/Daniel Casimir
UNIT:: Laurent Blondiau/Mika Kallio/Matthieu Donarier
TRIADE::Cédric Piromalli/Nicolas Larmignat
LE GROS CUBE::Alban Darche/Patrick Charnois/François Ripoche/Matthieu Donarier/Sylvain Rifflet/Jean-Louis Pommier/Daniel Casimir/Airelle Besson/Geoffroy Tamisier/Laurent Blondiau/Gilles Coronado/Christophe Lavergne/Arnaud Roulin
BABY BOOM::Daniel Humair/Christpohe Monniot/Manu Codjia/Matthieu Donarier
MÂÄK’S SPIRIT::Laurent Blondiau/Jean-Yves Evrard/Edward Perraud
ECHOES OF SPRING::Stephan Oliva/François Raulin/Laurent Dehors/Christophe Monniot
KÜHN-MARGUET 4tet::Joachim Kühn/Christophe Marguet/Christpohe Monniot
LE CUBE::Alban Darche/Christophe Lavergne/Arnaud Roulin
Sounds Like: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Triade in Reims Jazz Festival here
Médiapart 12 jun 2008
La "directive retour" est une directive de la honte, par Evo Morales
Le président de la République de Bolivie, Evo Morales, irrité par la "directive retour" de l'Union européenne qui durcit les conditions faites aux immigrés illégaux, envisage de bloquer les négociations commerciales entre l'Europe et la Communauté andine, et menace d'imposer des restrictions de visas aux voyageurs européens. Il explique sa position dans cette lettre ouverte qu'il a adressée aux eurodéputés :
«Jusqu'à la fin de la Seconde guerre mondiale, l'Europe était un continent d'émigrants. Des dizaines de millions d'Européens partirent aux Amériques pour coloniser, échapper aux famines, aux crises financières, aux guerres ou aux totalitarismes et à la persécution des minorités ethniques.
Aujourd'hui, je suis avec préoccupation le processus de la dite "directive retour". Ce texte, validé le 5 juin dernier par les ministres de l'Intérieur des 27 pays de l'Union européenne, doit être approuvé le 18 juin par le Parlement européen. Je perçois qu'il durcit de manière drastique les conditions de détention et d'expulsion des migrants sans papiers, quelle qu'ait été leur temps de séjour dans les pays européens, leur situation de travail, leurs liens familiaux, leur volonté et le succès de leur intégration.
lire la suite de cette lettre en français ici ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Open Letter from Evo Morales Regarding the European Union’s “Returns Directiveâ€
“Returns Directive†is a shameful directive.
Until the end of the Second World War, Europe was a continent of emigrants. Tens of millions of Europeans left for the Americas in order to colonize, escape famine, financial crises, wars and European totalitarianism and the persecution of ethnic minorities.
Today, I’m following the process of the so-called “Returns Directive†with concern. The text, approved on June 5th by the Interior Ministers of the European Union’s 27 member countries, must be voted on in the European Parliament on June 18th. I feel that it drastically hardens the conditions for detention and expulsion of undocumented migrants, whatever their length of stay in the European countries, their work situation, their family ties, their will and their achievements at integration.
Europeans arrived en masse in the countries of Latin America and North America, without visas or conditions imposed by the authorities. They were always welcome, and they continue to be, in our countries on the American continent, which therefore absorb the economic misery of Europe and its political crises. They came to our continent to exploit its wealth and transfer it to Europe, with a very high cost for America’s original population. Such is the case in our Cerro Rico, in Potosi, where the fabulous silver mines provided the European continent its coinage from the 16th to the 19th centuries. The goods and personal rights of the European migrants were always respected.
Today the European Union is the main destination for the world’s migrants, as a consequence of its positive image as an area of prosperity and public freedom. The vast majority of the migrants come to the EU to contribute to this prosperity, not to take advantage of it.
They occupy jobs in public works, construction, personal services and hospitals, which Europeans can’t or don’t wish to fill. They contribute to the European continent’s dynamic demographic, to maintaining the relationship between the active and inactive that in turn makes possible its generous systems of social security, internal market stimulation and social cohesion. Migrants offer a solution to the EU’s demographic and financial problems.
For us, our migrants represent the development aid that the Europeans don’t give us - considering that few countries actually manage to achieve the minimum objective of 0.7% of their GDP in development aid. In 2006, Latin America received $68 billion dollars in remittances; more than the total foreign investment in our countries.
At a world level, they reach $300 billion dollars, which surpasses the $104 billion dollars granted through the concept of development aid. My own country, Bolivia, received more than 10% of its GDP through remittances ($1.1 billion dollars), or a third of our annual natural gas exports.
This is to say that the migration flows are just as beneficial for the Europeans and marginally for those of us in the Third World, considering that we’ve also lost the equivalent of millions of skilled workers, in which our states, poor as they are, have invested human and financial resources in one way or another.
Unfortunately, the “Returns Directive†complicates this reality terribly. If we conceive that each state or group of states may define its fully sovereign migratory policies, we cannot accept that fundamental personal rights should be denied to our Latin American brothers and compatriots.
The “Returns Directive†provides for the possibility of incarceration of undocumented migrants for up to 18 months before their expulsion - or “removal,†according to the terms of the directive. 18 months! Without trial, or justice! As it is today, the Directive’s text clearly violates Articles 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Specifically, Article 13 of the Declaration states:
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
2. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
And worst of all, there is the possibility of imprisonment for mothers and children, without taking into account their family or school situation, in these detention facilities where we know depression, hunger strikes and suicides take place. How can we accept undocumented Latin American compatriots and brothers who’ve worked and integrated themselves over years, being put in concentration camps, without reacting? On what side is today’s duty of humanitarian intervention? Where is the “freedom of movement,†the protection against arbitrary imprisonment? In parallel, the European Union is trying to convince the Andean Community (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru) to sign an “Association Agreement†which includes a Free Trade Agreement as its third pillar, with the same nature and contents as those imposed by the United States.
We are under intense pressure from the European Commission to accept profoundly liberalized conditions for trade, financial services, intellectual property or our public services. Furthermore, under the heading of legal protection, we are being pressured over our process of nationalization of water, gas and telecommunications, as realized on International Workers Day. I ask, in this case, where is the “legal security†for our women, adolescents, children and workers who seek better horizons in Europe?
Freedom of movement is promoted for merchandise and finance, while we are faced with imprisonment without trial for our brothers who try to move freely. This is to deny the foundations of freedom and democratic rights.
Under these conditions, to approve this “Returns Directive,†we would find it ethically impossible to extend the negotiations with the European Union, and we reserve the right to regulate European citizens through the same visa obligations that have been imposed on Bolivians since the first of April, 2007, according to the diplomatic principle of reciprocity. We have not exercised it until now, as we awaited favorable signs from the EU.
The world, its continents, its oceans and its poles face difficult global challenges: global warming, pollution, the slow but sure disappearance of energy resources and biodiversity, while hunger and poverty increase in all countries, weakening our societies.
To make migrants, documented or undocumented, scapegoats for these global problems is no kind of solution at all. It doesn’t correspond to any reality. The problems of social cohesion suffered by Europe are not the fault of migrants, but the result of a development model imposed by the North, which is destroying the planet and dismembering the society of mankind.
In the name of the Bolivian people, of all my brothers in the continental regions of the world such as Maghreb, Asia and the countries of Africa, I call on the conscience of the European leaders and parliamentary members, the people, citizens and activists of Europe, to reject the first draft of the “Returns Directive.â€
That which we have before us today, is a shameful directive. I also call on the European Union to elaborate, in the coming months, a migratory policy that is respectful of human rights, that would maintain this beneficial dynamism for both continents and might repair once and for all the enormous historical, economic and ecological debt that the European countries have with a large part of the Third World, which might close at once Latin America’s still open veins. They must not fail today at “policies of integration,†as they failed with their supposed “civilizing mission†in colonial times.
Fraternal greetings from Bolivia to all of you, authorities, Members of Parliament, and comrades. And in particular, our solidarity to all those who are “hidden.â€
Evo Morales Ayma
President of the Republic of Bolivia
[Source: TLAXCALA]///////////////////////////////////////////////////
Paris, le 3 janvier 2008
Les voeux de la Ligue des Droits de l'Homme pour 2008 : retrouver la République
En ce début d’année 2008, c’est d’abord aux instituteurs de la République que la Ligue des droits de l’Homme tient à adresser ses voeux les plus solidaires.A ces instituteurs que le Président de la République, inconscient des devoirs de sa charge, a insultés dans l’homélie qu’il a prononcée le 20 décembre dernier comme « chanoine du Latran ».Selon Nicolas Sarkozy, « dans la transmission des valeurs et dans l’apprentissage de la différence entre le bien et le mal, l’instituteur ne pourra jamais remplacer le pasteur ou le curé, parce qu’il lui manquera toujours la radicalité du sacrifice de sa vie et le charisme d’un engagement porté par l’espérance ».Le monde est plein de « fous de Dieu » qui, portés par une « espérance » délirante, poussent leur « engagement » jusqu’à « la radicalité du sacrifice de leur vie »… et de centaines d’autres vies innocentes. Le tout au nom de « la différence entre le bien et le mal » et de la purification des âmes.Qu’en tant qu’individu, Monsieur Sarkozy mette ces valeurs au pinacle n’est qu’un signe de plus de son ancrage, derrière l’agitation d’une communication « décomplexée », dans les valeurs les plus traditionalistes de la société française.Mais qu’en tant que Président de la République française, il mette le curé au-dessus de l’instituteur comme responsable de « la transmission des valeurs », qu’il ignore à ce point ce que sont précisément les valeurs de la République qu’il est censé représenter, témoigne de l’ampleur de la crise politique et morale qu’aggrave son exercice de la fonction présidentielle.L’article 1er de la Constitution définit la République française comme « laïque, démocratique et sociale ».
« Laïque », elle refuse le mélange entre convictions religieuses et exercice des responsabilités politiques.« Démocratique », elle refuse la concentration des pouvoirs entre les mains d’un « Président-Soleil » entouré de « collaborateurs » et de courtisans.« Sociale », elle refuse la juxtaposition d’un « bouclier fiscal » pour les plus riches et de la régression du « bouclier social » pour les plus pauvres.Ce n’est pas seulement dans les jets privés, les yachts et au « Fouquet’ » que s’étale le mépris des privilégiés pour cette fameuse « France qui se lève tôt ». C’est aussi dans le cynisme avec lequel sont foulées aux pieds, jour après jour, les valeurs républicaines.La LDH salue donc d’abord, aujourd’hui, ces instituteurs qui, à ses yeux, restent les mieux à même de transmettre le respect des valeurs de liberté, d’égalité, de fraternité, de laïcité et de solidarité.Et elle souhaite que 2008 donne à tous les Français plus d’occasions qu’en 2007 de retrouver, face au spectacle que donne la représentation politique, confiance en l’avenir de la République.Le site de la ligue des droits de l'homme ici
Record Label:
Type of Label: Indie