born August 1967 Melbourne High School 1985ArtPrizeSingersPrizeDUXawardColoursAwardYr12top5% BAmusicVCAmelbourneUni. PrestonSymph/NewSymph/MalvernSymph MYOsymphony Conductors-JohnHopkins/DobsFranks /NicolasBraithwaite/AlwynMott/BarryBignell/ChristineVincent Classical Soloist-ACCALindenContemporaryComposersGuild-WARRENBURT GeminianiStringOrchestraMarcoVanPagee1988 MIA jazz fusion orchestra/BBop/Fusion SessionZ BrianBrown/TonyGould/MarkPollard/GeoffKluke IanChaplin/ MelbourneSymphonyOrchestraTeachers ImrePallos/JohnHopkins/StephenReeves Lead singer and songwriter forTHE SHARP 1991 WARNER MUSICalanrobertson EMIMUSICjohnAnderson1992-98 7xARIAnominee international TV Radio and Stage Show signed to 14 countries including Germany, France, Sweden, Italy, Asia and Sth America. The group achieved 5 MTV TOP40 Hits between 1992 and 1995 and Featured AllanCatlin on Lead Vocals and DBass, CharlieRooke on VoxGuitar and PietCollins on Drums. NTU assistantlecture1998 ANDREWPETERS RadioAdz1999WOWmusicKWelshNWiles
Insruments I play* *doublebass *silver flute *classical cello *electric guitar *drumkit *keyboard *contemporary and operatic vocals RAVE TRANCE duB Pop Vivaldi Elvis Beatles Cure Oasis PhilipGlass Chopin actually everyone
My Dream is to make feature film *Peter Greenaway *Ridley Scott *Andy Warhol *ALEC GUINNESS is my favorite actor and I love Lawrence of Arabia, The Draughtmans Contract, LAConfidential, BreakerMorant, WillFerrel, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Jack Nicholson, Anthony Hopkins, Russel Crowe, Peter OToole, Jane Fonda, TeresaAnnSavoy, Helen Mirren, Michelle Pfifer, Joan Chen, Uma Thermin.
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Alistair Crowley Alice Bailey Leadbeater Shakespeare Edgar Allen Poe Hitler Paramahansa Yoginanda TheTeachings of the Dalai Lama KRSNA theKingJamesBible CarlosCastinada
Joseph of Egypt Julias Caezer King Richard the LION William Shakespeare William Turner Beethoven Mozart Vivaldi Leonardo daVinci Manfred von Richthoven T.E.Lawrence Louis XIV H.R.H Elizabeth II