hausmeister_fuchs profile picture


homeproduced heartfull music!!!

About Me

Hausmeister_Fuchs Hausmeister and Fuchs got to know eatch other when they were arround 14 years old. They were both mods and soul-fanatics, but fall in love 12 years later. In the meantime Hausmeister made 3 records with his friend Stoffl (Tondach Edelmatte/ personal records) and Fuchs was singing for a year in a indieband. She had a child with the bassplayer of that band, but was separated and worked as the federal student union leader of austria. Hausmeister was working in a recordstore and did not enjoy life too much.They came together and a second child followed. Now both are studying art, Hausmeister is also in parental leave and Fuchs is running a maternity-wear-store for modern women.They worked for 3 years on the new 15 songs, because they are just able to make music, when the kids are at their grandparents places overnight... Today the father of Fuchs first child, George, is also playing bass sometimes on Hausmeister-Fuchs-songs (patchwork works!).

My Interests


Member Since: 5/29/2007
Band Members: Michael Hausmeister Patrice Fuchs

Influences: 60:s, 70:s, 80:s and present soul, disco and house
Sounds Like: disco pop with soul and house elements
Record Label: unissued
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Small first release!!! `grow up´ is out on cd now!!!

Had our first nice release-party on friday released a compilation with austrian clubartists. We are one of them. It is called `MISCHPULT` Vienna 2007 The party was nice and we were drunk. We l...
Posted by hausmeister_fuchs on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 12:37:00 PST

new songs

so finaly... there are 3 new songs on our site. Happy about that. Took us a couple of weeks.  
Posted by hausmeister_fuchs on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 08:03:00 PST