About Me

SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS "SINGER, MUSICIAN, COMPOSER OF SONGS" In discography from 1993 with seven CDs and a gold Album. One Award of interpretation from the Greek Festival Tsitsaneia. New CD contains 15 songs and circulates with general title: 9/8 Kardia from Record Label: Melon Music. Success of new CD the song with title: San Panagia mou. In the past it was official member in famous Group: Ta Paidia apo tin Patra. The Year 2001 Sang the Anthem of Football Team it is named Panionios.
SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS {TRAGOUDISTHS, MOUSIKOS, SYNTHETHS}" Stin diskografia apo to 1993 me epta CDs kai ena xryso disko. Proto brabeio ermineias apo to Elliniko Festival Tsitsaneia. To neo CD periexei 15 tragoudia kai kykloforei me geniko titlo: 9/8 Kardia apo tin Melon Music. Epityxia tou neou CD to tragoudi me titlo: San Panagia mou. Best. To Etos 2001 tragoudise ton episimo Ymno tou Panioniou. Palaiotera itan tria xronia episimo melos sto mousiko Group: TA PAIDIA APO TIN PATRA.

My Interests


Member Since: 3/29/2007
Band Website: xalikiopoulos.altpro.net
Band Members: In the new CD they wrote: Music, Lyrics: Spyros Xalikiopoulos. Other Lyrics: Giouli Laitsa, Maria Manesi, Kostas Dimogotsis.
SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS In discography from 1993 with seven CDs and a gold Disc. A Award of interpretation from the Greek Festival Tsitsaneia.SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS CDs from 1993 until 2006Success of new CD the song with title: San Panagia mou. Older successes the songs with titles: Lathreos Erotas, Asteria mou Alites, Feggari Gemato, O kouklos, Diakopes se Erimonisi, Mia Teleytaia Zeimpekia, Irtha me ta xeria gemata agapi, Akou ti Leei.

With Sakis Rouvas we are cousins. We are from a small village of Corfu it is named Horepiskopoi. Add my cousin, The Best Greek Pop Singer.Record Label Melon Music circulates my new CD with general title: 9/8 Kardia.My site in the Esnips have enough my songs and you can make some Play List.

SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS SingerOfficial Page in Indie911 SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS Folk Singer from Greece.YouTube 18 Videos from my appearances in Television and my Video Clips.ALTER TV - SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS "Dosta Ola" SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS. In this television channel i sing a my song with title: Dosta Ola.ALPHA TV-TIGLON - SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS "Mpesamel" SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS. In this television channel i sing a my song where became big success in Greece with title: Mpesamel.TELEVISION ET1 - LIVE SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS"" TA PAIDIA APO TIN PATRA SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS. In this television channel i sing live a song of Antoni Repani when i was member in group: Ta Paidia apo tin Patra.THLEASTY TV - SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS "9/8 Kardia" SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS. In this television channel i sing my song with title: 9/8 Kardia.ANT1 TV - OLA 7 - SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS "Mpesamel" SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS. In Television channel ANT1, Themos Anastasiadis journalist make hot satire in the my song: Mpesamel.SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS FESTIVAL TSITSANEIA AWARD - TELEVISION ET1 In Greek Festival Tsitsaneia it gains the first Award of Interpretation the Singer Spyros Xalikiopoulos. Was Live Transmission from Greek Television ET1. P.S.The sound is not very good from the recording of home video. Thanks!!ANTHEM OF PANIONIOS SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS This is the Anthem of famous Greek Team of Football where is named: Panionios. Thanks in Panionios where it selected me and i sing his Anthem. Spyros Xalikiopoulos Download free the Anthem of Panionios in my Official Website. Click Here Now: Spyros Xalikiopoulos
Influences: Stelios Kazantzidis, Mimis Plessas, Leyteris Papadopoulos.
Sounds Like: FAVORITE TOP SINGERS: Stelios Kazantzidis, Whitney Houston, Celine Dion
FAVORITE ROCK GROUPS: Scorpions, Pink Floyd
FAVORITE TOP GENRES: Folk, Ballads, Old Rock, Laika
Record Label: Melon Music
Type of Label: Major

My Blog


SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS      Aposyromai apo tin Diskografia        & nbsp;   Pros my Fans kai mh Fans Geia sas filoi mou, Opws ka...
Posted by SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 07:26:00 PST

Biography in the Greek Language

BIOGRAPHY SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS "Singer" Genithika stin Athina to etos 1973.Apo mikro paidi agapisa tin mousiki, kai oti ebriska mprosta mou to eblepa mousiko organo. Epaiza mousiki me koutalia me mpo...
Posted by SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 09:54:00 PST


SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS - FESTIVAL TSITSANEIA AWARD - TELEVISION ET1Title of Song: "Ego pou den Fobithika"In Greek Festival Tsitsaneia it gains the first Award of Interpretation the Singer Spyros Xalikio...
Posted by SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 09:17:00 PST


SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS Singer, Musician, Composer Here you can open all my Websites and my Pages. Click in the addresses. OFFICIAL WEBSITE SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS www.xalikiopoulos.altpro.net OFFICIAL SPY...
Posted by SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 09:31:00 PST

Spyros Xalikiopoulos - Giorgos Polyxroniadis {Duet}

SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS - GIORGOS POLYXRONIADIS "Duet"Title: "Irtha me ta xeria gemata agapi"In this Video Clip i sing a duet with best Greek Rocker Singer of decade 70. The song is ballad and constitute...
Posted by SPYROS XALIKIOPOULOS on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 05:26:00 PST