We Can Make A Difference Now profile picture

We Can Make A Difference Now


About Me

To show people what is going on with the world around them - what you don't see on the news. A time has come for a younger generation to take a stand on issues in this world instead of going on completely ignorant. This is not about politics or religion and this is not propaganda for an individual cause or side. We are not trying to coerce you to believe a certain thing. This is about awareness. We are here not to convince you to join organizations, or support any particular cause, but we do support certain organizations in their efforts to change humanity and how humanity treats each other and our world. This site and group is here to raise awareness of these organizations and to provide information to the masses, that there are problems in this world and we, as the youth of this generation need to take a stand. In a few years we will inherit this world and with the state that it's in right now and the small amount we're doing to help it, it's just going to degrade further and further down. When it's time for us to pass it on to our children, it's going to be near self-destruction.

We ourselves support many organizations and causes but we won't preach to you or propagate any of these; we will give you the information on these as well as any other information you want and allow you to decide if you will join us and many others in this world in taking a stand against the problems we face today.

Don't hesitate to message us and ask us questions. We'll do our best to either answer them or give you information on someone who will have the answer you're looking for.

I'm sure you're wondering about our views on these world issues and who we are. Well, our names are Josh and Chris and we're both from Florida. We are tired of sitting idly by while humanity destroys itself and the world we live in. We're both Christians, Believe in the Bible and Believe in God, however, we do not believe in religion or people telling us what to believe or how to practice what we believe. We're not here to preach about God and the Bible to you but all of our own personal opinions are based on God's Word and His Will. We're doing this to allow you to make your own decision and decide what to do based on you're own findings and beliefs. We're only here to encourage everyone to stop sitting idly by and to take a stand for something: no matter what it is or what side of the idea you are on.

As we've stated a few times now, we're not here to prove a point and all opinions and beliefs are welcome here no matter what side they come from. We're happy to discuss any opinions or ideas with anyone as long as it's in a respectful manner. We will respect your point of view as long as you respect ours. Any aggressive outbursts or ruse, angry, threatening, or abusive comments, messages or talk will be banned from here. This is a forum for all ideas and points of view to be discussed in a respectful manner. There is no right or wrong as this is purely to raise awareness of causes designed to better humanity and the world we live in and to share our ideas and views.

My Interests

Here's a few of the organizations that you can check out and support if you wish in their efforts to make a difference in today's world and society:

Invisible Children

Invisible Children improves the quality of life for war-affected children by providing access to quality education, enhanced environments and innovative economic opportunities.

Invisible Children 2705Via Orange Way, Ste B Spring Valley, CA 91978Phone: 619-562-2799
www.invisiblechildren.com [email protected]

The Eyes Of Haiti

The Eyes of Haiti is a 501 (c)(3) non- profit organization in the mission of improving the overall condition of impoverished Haitian children. Through the promotion of love and hope, along with the provision of the basic essentials of dignified life, Eyes of Haiti seeks to open the eyes of the world to the children of Haiti. This love and hope will be reflected in the children that we nurture and nourish. Our mission is to prove that love and compassion can make a difference. Through our work at the local and community level, we seek to break the cycle of violence that has kept Haiti underdeveloped for years. We will show the world that our slogan “L’union Fait la Force” (Unity Creates Power), holds truth to it. Through cooperation with different organizations, we aim to create and unite the links that will create a strong and unbreakable chain that no one will be able to break. United we will stand and with true love we will not be divided. The seed of love that Mrs. Valme has planted in her son's heart has grown and blossomed into good fruit. This fruit of compassion and love has and will continue to spread throughout the world through The Eyes of Haiti.
Visit Their Website Here

Vision Generation

Vision Generation (VGen) is World Vision's official youth movement who aim to educate, inspire and empower young people in the fight against global poverty and injustice. For more information, visit www.stir.org - VGen's official webpage.
Visit Their Website Here

Oxfam GB

Oxfam is a global movement of people committed to ending poverty. We work to save lives in emergencies, improve the lives of poor people through development projects, and campaign to tackle the root causes of poverty. And we need people like you to make this happen. Click the links below to find out more about Oxfam and the many different ways you can help.
Visit Their Website Here

Oxfam America

Forty percent of the people on our planet—more than 2.5 billion—now live in poverty, struggling to survive on less than $2 a day. Oxfam America is an international relief and development organization working to change that. Together with individuals and local groups in more than 120 countries, Oxfam saves lives, helps people overcome poverty, and fights for social justice. To join our efforts or learn more, go to www.oxfamamerica.org.
Visit Their Website Here

Save The Lost Souls Informational Site

SaveLostSouls isnt an "organization" but more of an informational site. My goal is to open peoples eyes to all forms of cruelty. Animal and People. I focus more on the animal cruelty mainly because the level of cruelty is so unknown to the general public. We see blurbs in our local newspapers from time to time, but the extent of animal cruelty goes way beyond the average persons imagination. I get messages all the time from people telling me that they "never knew".... Knowledge is a powerful thing and in order for things to change, people have to be made aware that there is a problem. We have to be the voices for those who can not speak for themselves.
Visit Their Website Here


WaterAid is a leading independent organisation which enables the world's poorest people to gain access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education.
Visit Their Website Here

100,000 Cups Campaign

The 100,000 Cups Campaign is a real and effective online drive to help alleviate the suffering of the Ogaden in east Africa where three years of drought have brought widespread famine.Corporate sponsors have pledged to donate a cup of rice or other staple food each time a link is clicked. No personal information is collected. They don't even ask your email address. All we need to do is click a link.Every click delivers a cup of desperately needed food to someone who otherwise will not eat. Visit Their Website Here


"WE" are a Grassroots group started by my (now) 12 yr old Son, and his 8 yr old Sister. Their Identities are Private as we have found that there are people who are as Passionate at Promoting Slaughter as we are about Fighting it. We have been on My Space for a few months, and have AWHPC As one of our Blogs in Addition to Return To Freedom, Whom we regard as the most respected source of information and Advocacy. It is Return to Freedom that has prompted us into Action And we will continue to raise funds for once we are able to receive our Non-profit Status. With the Push to Congress for H.R.297 AND H.R.503 So their Companion bills may reach Senate, our efforts and letter writing are Vital at this time, as is joining with other Advocates in ACTION. Please look at our page (Still In Process) and thank you for considering Adding us to your Animal Advocate/Friend Space. With Great Respect, ~M.A.N.E.~ P.S. I am sure you see enough Photo's already, yet if you view our Pics, they are from our trip to SD, (June 06), Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary. Currently we have begun to Sponsor a horse, "Prarie Lark" on their 11,000 acre Sanctuary.
Visit Their Website Here
They ask you to send a message with any friend requests due to large ammounts of spam acounts trying to add them.

I'd like to meet:

We would love to meet anyone wanting to take a stand; to make a difference in today’s world.

Feel free to message/comment us to discuss anything in a respectful manner. We're here to answer any questions you might have about any issue posted on here or any other organization. We will either pass on information about you or put you in contact with someone who can help.

Contacting Us

If you wish to talk outside of myspace, you may send us an email anytime you wish at: [email protected]

We also have an AIM screenname and are on occasionally if you wish to talk to us on there and we happen to be logged on: wcmadnow

If you would prefer to send us an email with a good time to sign on to discuss any issues with you, please feel free to do that also.




Invisible Children


Here are some more of the organizations we work with:

Click Here Now


Anyone who has taken a stand for something they believe, to us, is considered a hero. There are no specific people that are heroes; a hero is someone who takes a stand for what they believe in. Who has the right to call one person a hero and another not just because one person was in the right place at the right time. Part of this page and cause is to make more people into those everyday heroes that actually do something. If a person mentions, lets say, an Anti-poverty organization to someone who then joins it and helps hundreds of people - is the person that mentioned it not as much of a hero as the person who took action; because without them, the other person wouldn't have known. So to us, there are no heroes. That's just a misused term. There are three kinds of people: those who take action, those who want to take action but are unable to and those who sit idly by and do nothing. If you want to define a hero: it's the first two kind of people, because they both have a heart and will to do something. Sometimes that's all it takes to make a difference in the world - a heart and a will.

My Blog

News and Events

Sorry for the delay on this blog we've been swamped with work and such here's the recent news and coming events: To Write Love On Her Arms Favor to ask. We're hoping you would be willing to click on t...
Posted by We Can Make A Difference Now on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 01:01:00 PST

Event Calendar

Invisible Children Consider yourselves lucky, east coasters. This Monday, June 4th is your chance to hear Academy Award-nominated actor Ryan Gosling tell all about his recent trip to Northern Uganda. ...
Posted by We Can Make A Difference Now on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 05:32:00 PST

WaterAid G8 Ring Off

On Saturday 2 June, as Tony Blair prepares for the summit, WaterAid and The World Can't Wait coalition partners are going to gather on the banks of the River Thames in London with our alarm clocks. By...
Posted by We Can Make A Difference Now on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 09:15:00 PST

"The Eyes Of Haiti" --- The Full Overview

The Eyes Of Haiti The Eyes of Haiti is a 501 (c)(3) non- profit organization in the mission of improving the overall condition of impoverished Haitian children. Through the promotion of love and hope,...
Posted by We Can Make A Difference Now on Thu, 31 May 2007 09:24:00 PST