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MINI BIOGRAPHY of Michael Knox
Michael Knox, an industry veteran, began designing and developing computer software while a Data Systems Technician for the US Navy, during which he became a highly skilled computer programmer and engineer. While working with some of the best-known game designers, developers and publishers he programmed and designed one of the industry's first interactive movies, "Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon."
In 1989, Mr. Knox's founded Park Place Productions with $3,000 cash and a credit card. Through hard work and dedication, Park Place Productions became recognized as one of North America's largest independent software design and development software houses. Over the past five years the company has led the industry by developing sports titles, entertainment, educational and simulation products for many of the leading software publishing houses such as Nintendo, SEGA, Virgin, Electronic Arts, Acclaim, Compton's New Media--to name a few.
Through his company, Mr. Knox was responsible for marketing the company and the production of many major software titles. Monday Night Football, their first product sold over 100,000 units. This was followed by the original John Madden Football (the most successful sports game of all time) and NHL Hockey for the SEGA and Super Nintendo video game machines.
His company, Park Place Productions developed over 70 software titles including: Muhammad Ali Boxing, The Human Calculator, Batman Returns, Body Illustrated, Gameboy--Chessmaster and Beat the House, the best selling casino game for the past two years.
In 1993, Michael Knox was the recipient of INC. Magazine's prestigious "Entrepreneur of the Year" award for the software industry category for the Greater San Diego County.
Knox anticipated the software industry's demand for quality software testing. He started and sold the "Bug Busters Software Testing Company†which offers computer software publishers configuration setup testing, pre-manufacturing virus detection, user focus group evaluations and accurate software testing. Bug Busters has gone on to do testing for software industry giants like; i.e. Microsoft.
In addition , Mr. Knox worked with local colleges and universities in order to empower them with new software industry curriculum. Through his dedicated efforts, SDSU --San Diego State University has retained industry executive producers to teach and modify courseware to fit the entertainment and educational software development industry needs and demands.
Mr. Knox has regularly addressed the community through various local television presentations, radio talk shows, industry summit meetings, MIT forums and various, graduation college and university class commencement ceremony speeches.
In addition to running Park Place Productions and assisting local instructional institutes, Mr. Knox designed and co-founded MERGE (Multimedia Education & Retraining for Gainful Employment). MERGE is a state funded, multi-media training center, which offers its students real "hands-on" software industry development experience. MERGE was originally established in order to retrain displaced defense workers, unemployed and the socially disadvantaged. This innovative program is bringing local software companies and multimedia education together incubating needed industry talent and creating new computer related jobs and business opportunities in urban & metropolitan areas of San Diego, California. The MERGE Computer Training Center currently has an enrollment of 175 active students.
Mr. Knox Invested In IRI Entertainment, a Nevada Corporation, where he assisted company executives by developing the strategic planning, distribution and design of Computer Dating Kiosks located within respective nightlife locations throughout the city of Las Vegas.
Mr. Knox was appointed as the President of OmniNet Media.com, a publicly trading, global stand-alone computer kiosks Marketing and Distribution Company, located In La Jolla, California. At OmniNet Media.com, Mr. Knox developed the company's long-term strategic focus, pooling resources, outlining the direction of the company and establishing strategic corporate partners.
Presently, Mr. Knox Is the Executive Producer of the Personal Show, a San Diego based COX cable television show (584,000 homes), which showcases local people of the community, their Interests and hobbies.
In addition, Michael composes original music♫, and has created two music CD titles, Fantasy World© (Contemporary Jazz) and Borrowed Time© (R & B). The Borrowed Time CD showcases the O' Bin© (Osuma Bin Ladden Song) that's currently being played on Clear Channel Radio Stations across the country.
Mr. Knox has had industry exposure in all areas of software marketing and creation. Knox has participated in every process of the standard software design and development cycle. As the Digital Entertainment Development Industry continues to matures and evolve; Knox quickly adapts by learning the new software development techniques. As an ultra-creative person, Knox has implemented many of his ideas and concepts in the form of proprietary software development tools, which have been responsible for saving companies time and money.
Low-Level Programming Languages:
80486, 80386, 80286, 8080-86 series
6500 series, 68000 series
6809 & Z80
Machine & Assembly Languages
High-Level Programming Languages:
C, C+++, HTML, JAVA, JAVA Script, PDP, Basic, Quick Basic, Visual Basic & Turbo Pascal
Operating Systems:
Windows '95, Windows 98, DOS
Internet & America On-line
Software Tools:
Various Editors, Assemblers, Compilers and Debuggers
(Cross-Assemblers & Cross development systems)
Paint & Animation Programs (Deluxe Paint, Deluxe Animation)
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere 6.0
ACiD music development & sound editing tools
Macromedia Director
Debabelizer - Graphics Conversion Utility Software
DESKSCAN II and other Various Scanning Software
Microsoft Word, Excel & PowerPoint
3D Studio, Draft & Print, AutoCAD, Alias & Wavefront (SGI software)
Special Hardware:
IBMPC & Macintosh user
HPGL Protocol- "Hewlett Plotters"
EPSON, HP & IBM Laser Printer & Printer Drivers
Eagle Graphic Accelerator Card
Sound Blaster, MIDI formats & .WAVe files
US Robotics and other high-speed modem boards
Cross Development Systems
And so much more...
Special Development Procedures:
Video Digitizing &Capture, Stop-Frame Animation, Motion Capture,
Green-room Altamat processing, Roto-scoping. 3-D Modeling, Digital Art & Video enhancements,Rendering /w Texture Mapping, Music Development & Composition,Digitizing & Sound F/X Sampling, Computerized Digital Video Editing, Software Debugging, Configuration Testing, Software Evaluation, and Focus Groups
Management, Design & Development:
Team Management, Product Planning, Writing Plans and Proposals, Screening and Qualifying Potential Employees, Establishing Development Teams, Coordinating Artist & Designers, Project Management, Leading Design Teams, Technical Design Review, Product Review, Setting up and Coordinating Industry Tradeshows and Off-site Sales Demonstrations, Quarterly Salary & Performance Reviews, Establishing Goals & Objectives, Evaluating Results and other General Management situations, which can occur in a workcenter, with Internal employee's, sub-contractors and creative & intellectual people.
Sales & Marketing Background:
Responsible for allocations of (MDF) Marketing Development Funds
Creation and Design of Box Art and Sale-Sheets (4 - Color Separation), Tradeshow Coordination, Print AD Development and Creation, AD Placements, End-Cap Placements, Managing Co-Op Advertising Budgets, Radio Commercials, Television Commercials and Program Scheduling.
Member of a License Acquisition Team for Product Endorsement,
Spiffing Sales People, Marketing Research and Product Evaluation
Fiscal Responsibilities:
Establishing Divisional & Departmental Budgets,
Planning Corporate Reductions in Force,
Long/MID/Short -term Financial Planning,
Sales Projections and Forecasting,
Establishing Departmental Controls,
Expenses and Waste Management Controls.
John Madden Football - SEGA - Electronic Arts
John Madden Football - SNES - Electronic Arts
John Madden Football '92 - SEGA - Electronic Arts
John Madden Football '92 - SNES - Electronic Arts
John Madden Football '93 - SEGA - Electronic Arts
NFL Video Pro Football - IBMPC - Spirit of Discovery
NFL Football - SNES - Konami
NFL's Greatest Challenge - SEGA CD - Sega of America
Monday Night Football - IBM - Data East
Monday Night Football - C-64 - Data East
Monday Night Football - AMIGA - Data East
TV Sports Football - IBM - Cinemaware
NHL Hockey - SEGA - Electronic Arts
NHL Hockey - SNES - Electronic Arts
Joe Montana Football - SEGA - Sega of America
Magic Johnson Basketball - SNES - Virgin Games
D. Vital "Awesome baby" Basketball - SEGA - Tengen
David Robinson Basketball - IBM - Sega of America
Dream Team 3 on 3 Challenge - IBM - Data East
Dream Team 3 on 3 Challenge - C-64 - Data East
Roundball - Nintendo - Data East
GBA 2 on 2 Basketball - C-64 - GameStar/Activision
World Class Soccer - SEGA - Acclaim
World Class Soccer - SNES - Acclaim
Muhammad Ali Boxing - SEGA - Virgin
Muhammad Ali Boxing - SNES - Virgin
ESPN Baseball Tonight - SEGA - Acclaim
ESPN Baseball Tonight - SNES - Acclaim
BO Jackson Baseball – IBMPC - Data East
Beat the House - IBMPC - Interplay
Beat the House - Mac - Interplay
Beat the House - Windows 3.1 - Interplay
Beat the House - Windows 95 - Interplay
Beat the House II Windows 98 - Interplay
Dvorak on Typing – IBMPC - Interplay
Dvorak on Typing - Mac - Interplay
Typing for Today - IBM PC - Interpaly
Dvorak on Typing (visually impaired) - IBMPC - Interplay
Body Illustrated - IBMPC - Spirit of Discovery
Human Calculator - IBMPC - Comptons New Media
Facts in Action - IBMPC - Spirit of Discovery
Berenstain Bears Counting - IMBPC - Comptons New Media
Draft 'n' Print (CAD) - IBMPC - Spirit of Discovery
Chessmaster - Gameboy - Software Toolworks
Jeopardy - Windows 3.1 - Gametek
Wheel of Fortune - Windows 3.1 - GameTek
Batman Returns - IBM - Konami
Sinbad and the throne of the Falcon - C-64 - Cinemaware
Gunsmoke - C-64 - Capcom
SideArms (Arcade) - C-64 - Capcom
Battle Bound Project - C-64 - Compumania
Hook Dodger - C-64 - Compumania
Save the Droids - C-64 - Compumania
The Ducks are Coming - C-64 - Compumania
Mine Sweepers - C-64 - Compumania
Kawasaki Caribbean Challenge - SNES - Gametek
Basic Programmer's Toolkit - C-64 - EPYX
TV Text - TRS-80 - Radio Shack
NOTE: This is a partial list of titles that Knox has participated in the development of...
PersonalShowtv.com Pilot video (production)
G-ROCC MUSIC CD (production of 32 songs)
SHELLYMANSON MUSIC CD (production of 9-songs)
EASYSTREET MUSIC VISDEO (digital video production)
Fantasy World Audio CD Narrow Broadcastings
Fantasy World Video PC Macromedia Director Narrow Broadcastings
Borrowed Time Audio CD Narrow Broadcastings
Stop Playing Games Audio CD Narrow Broadcastings
The Personal Show Cable Television Show Narrow Broadcastings
The Personal Show Auditions 60 second commercial Z-90 San Diego
Flight of the Businessman Corporate Video IRI, Inc., Nevada
Sprit of Discovery Television Commercial dba: Spirit of Discovery
Spirit of Discovery Corporate Video dba: Spirit of Discovery
SDSU Commencement Graduation Speech Class of 1995 Guest Speaker
MIT Forum - Computer Software Industry Guest Speaker
INC. Magazine/Earnest & Young "Entrepreneur of the Year"-acceptance speech
The Personal Show Auditions Guest Speaker & Host
KUSI - Company News Spot Company Showcase
KTVU - Company News Spot Company Showcase
San Diego's - Focus on Business /Ted Owens ON-AIR 30-min Interview
Kathy Clark's Show ON-AIR 30-min Interview
MERGE ACADEMY /NHA & SD Housing Commission Guest Speaker
S.D. Private Industry Council Public Proposal for City Project
Various Elementary & High schools Public Appearances
KOGO / Opportunity Knocks /w Bob White ON-AIR Radio Interview
Casino Entertainment Corporation (CEC)
IRI Entertainment Business Plan / Meet Machine IRI Inc., Nevada
IRI Entertainment - Gas Light & Map Kiosk Proposal IRI Inc., Nevada
The Personal Show Media Kit Narrow Broadcastings
The Personal Show Operations Manual Narrow Broadcastings
The Personal Show Corporate Business Plan
Music Kiosk Distribution Plan Denny’s & MP3 Entertainment
How to Take over the Payphone Industry OmniNet Media.com Inc.,
STOCKPANEL.COM Business Plan & Executive Summary's JTM Inc., La Jolla, CA.
NCMS - National Center for Manufacturing Services Member
NCGA - National Computer Graphics Association Member
NAB – National Association of Broadcasters
GBDA - Global Business Development Association Member
1993 Galles Racing /w Al Unser Jr., Kevin Cogan, Adrian Fernandez, Team Member & Sub-sponsor
Danny Sullivan, Rick Galles and Gene Hackman (Actor)
Mayor Susan Goldings – S.D. City of the Future Participant
San Diego - Chamber of Commerce Participant
RIGHT TRACK FOUNDATION - celebrity fundraisers Participant
SDSU Multimedia Labs curriculum retrofitting team Participant
1995 BAOA Black Americans of Achievement /w Peter Van Brunt Board of Directors
MERGE ACADEMY / NHA, SD City Schools District & SD Housing Commission Co-founder
Casino Entertainment Company / R. Griffy (SOLAR RECORDS) Partner
1998 MP3 Entertainment, Inc Board of Directors
CARH Composite Auto Research, Inc. Founding Shareholder
Make-A-Wish-Foundation Participant
Republic of Malchezadek /Majesty David Quorum Diplomatic& Industry Relations
Victory Outreach / Anti-Gang Unit Volunteer
In 1993, Michael Knox was the recipient of INC. Magazines prestigious "Entrepreneur of the Year" award for the Greater San Diego County.
Presently, Michael Knox is the CEO of Voice2page Communications, Inc. in Las Vegas Nevada.
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