Hey there...Welcome to my page!
I am a southern California native who loves being outdoors...from the beaches to the mountains.
I love Santa Monica!
I have a beautiful pitbull/cocker spaniel mix pooch named Babie. Stay tuned for pics...
What Brought Me to This Point...
I've had business since I was a kid…from selling candy to upholstery repair (didn't get far with the last one!)
As I grew up that entrepreneurial bug just bite me a lot harder.
I tumbled into network marketing by accident and was quickly swept up in the hype and the half-truths that led me to spend a lot of time to chase my tail in circles.
Internet Marketing Saves the Day...
My mind was made up – I had to learn how to market and the Internet was to be my playground.
A-ha! Finally I had some success that I so desperately craved...but it wasn't enough...
Then I ran across some marketing materials by a man that totally changed how I viewed marketing...and people.
His words mesmerized me.
His style was so different than anything I have ever read.
Finally It Made Sense...
There is a secret to attraction marketing.
There is a reason as to why your prospects are going away from you, instead of towards you.
There's also a reason why you're not making the money you want to make in this industry.
And trying to find an easier business isn't the solution to your problems.
If You're Sick...
Of Running between MAD and Frustrated trying to figure all this out…
And spending thousands of dollars upfront and getting nothing in return but more confusion…
Of following people...who lead you to Nothing and Nowhere
But they Promised you they would show you how to make 64 streams of income...
And you can't even make ONE!
Buying another MIRACLE system, will do you NO good if you can't market.
Generating thousands of leads is great...but if you have No leadership skills and can't convey trust and credibility...good luck converting those leads to buyers of your products.
If you lack leadership, trust and credibility, you're inviting struggle into your business.
You need to build yourself up too!
You can't keep buying into the hype they're selling you and keep chasing half-the-story hoping success will fall into your lap.
Aren't you Tired of wasting your time and money?
I Can Show You The Way...
You must be a student and be ready to learn.
My Favorites Website are:
Basic Internet Marketing Training
Basic Network Marketing Training
MLM Training Tips
Network Marketing Blog
If you're not sure where to start, or you want info on social media marketing training, request a Free consultation.
You can find my contact info on my sites.