Flogging Margaret The Movie profile picture

Flogging Margaret The Movie

Hey uhhh Chainsaw Your uhhh Your Usual???

About Me

Flogging Margaret is a love story about revenge. A year after Keith gets dumped by his college girlfriend it's time to get on with his life. His best friend and constant agitator Chainsaw is the only one in his life willing to kick him hard enough in the butt to get him at of bed and into the real world. They hang out together and even work together as "relationship investigators" catching cheating husband, wives and more, and doing it well. After they run into Keith's old friend Joey, who by the way just came out of the closet, Keith and Chainsaws eyes are opened into a world of beautiful women, parties, and a couple of German dominatrix named Ursula and Helga. On there first outing together at a night club Keith meets the girl of his dreams, Chloe. She's fun, beautiful, parties, likes the things he likes, every man's dream girl. Sparks begin to fly over several rounds of shots and back into the bedroom. Who should show up to ruin this wonderful moment but, Margaret. Keith's ex girlfriend and the bane of Chainsaws existence. She always wore the pants in the relationship and has a power over Keith that only Chainsaw and a mysterious brown bag can put a stop to. Does Keith get the girl? Does Margaret get the guy? Who flogs Margaret? Is revenge a dish best served cold or steaming hot? Find out when you watch Flogging Margaret.

My Interests


Sound track thus far,Two Way Uday by MC Vagina,Miracle Car by Sam Bisbee,The World is a Furnace, The Enemies of Stefan AvelosI Do Dream You by Jennifer Gentle,No Milk Today by The Scabies,2 for 1 Special, What you see is what you get, by Jeremy HollisMeet Me in Montauk by Circa SurviveI'm A Gangster by Rappy McRapperson


Wes Anderson , John Waters, Kevin Smith, Harmony Korine

My Blog

We Got In

To Seattle True Independent Film Festival... Sweet!!! It is June 2-4 we dojnt know our screening day and time yet but when we do I will let you all know and I am sure with all the west coast people we...
Posted by Flogging Margaret The Movie on Sat, 06 May 2006 08:05:00 PST

Floggin Showing TWICE

Thats right by popular demand flogging is now showing at 925 as well as 7pm at the county theater. BE THERE
Posted by Flogging Margaret The Movie on Mon, 01 May 2006 05:01:00 PST


Hey check it out our website is up. www.floggingmargaretmovie.com It rocks. Greg our web designer did a great job and you can contact him at [email protected] In other news we are still waiting to he...
Posted by Flogging Margaret The Movie on Mon, 16 Jan 2006 10:25:00 PST

Waiting is the hardest part

We Submitted to Ten film festivals. Two days ago. Now I am waiting. Grrrrrrr. I hate that.
Posted by Flogging Margaret The Movie on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 02:22:00 PST

Flogging Showed

Hey all Flogging Showed last night. I thinkm it went over well. Thanks to all who came out. Now we can quickly finish the audio post and then hopefully get into some good festivals and sell the bitch ...
Posted by Flogging Margaret The Movie on Sun, 06 Nov 2005 07:02:00 PST

Flogging Margaret is Showing

Hey all. This is a little advance so in case you need to or want to come you can figure out how to find the time. The film is finished (or almost finished). So I am having a small showing for wh...
Posted by Flogging Margaret The Movie on Tue, 25 Oct 2005 04:56:00 PST

We Keep on keeping on

So I thought I would update on our status just a bit. I met our editor yesterday his name is Alan and he seems to be a coool guy. Then I met our animator Sean who as luck would have it works with a ve...
Posted by Flogging Margaret The Movie on Tue, 30 Aug 2005 08:03:00 PST