Right now, my greatest interest is coming back to the Lord after so many wasted years !!As far as "worldly" interests.... Eh, hockey and music, and I enjoy a good book now and then. I'm a drummer/guitarist (great drummer, lousy guitarist, haha)
Usher Me Down Lyrics ..Jennifer Knapp - Martyrs & Thieves
There's a place in the darkness I used to cling to.
That presses harsh hope against time.
In the absence of martyrs, there's a presence of thieves.
Who only want to rob you blind.
They steal away any sense of peace, tho I'm a king.
I'm a king on my knees.
And I know they are wrong when they say I am strong.
As the darkness covers me.
So turn on the light and reveal all the glory. I am not afraid
To bear all my weakness, knowing in meekness, I have a kingdom to gain.
Where there is peace and Love in the Light, in
The Light, I am not afraid,
to let your light shine bright in my life, in my life.
There are ghosts from my past who have owned more of my soul.
Than I thought I had given away.
They linger in closets and under my bed.
And in pictures less proudly displayed.
A great fool in my Life I have been.
Have squandered til pallid and thin.
Hung my head in shame and refused to take blame.
From darkness I know I've let win.
Can you hear me? can you hear me?
Lyrics provided by Christian Lyrics
Pillar, Julie Miller, Phil Keaggy, Sarah Masen, Guardian, Jennifer Knapp, Twila Paris, Flyleaf, Switchfoot, Day of Fire, Keith Green, David Meece, Don Francisco, All Together Separate, Supertones, Mesa.... and the list goes on.
"Second Glance" is my favorite. It's a Christiano film (must see).
Hockey, and that's about it. TV distracts my thoughts, haha
Pursuit of God, and The Divine Conquest, by A.W. Tozer (must reads). Anything by Charles Spurgeon, Andrew Murray and John Stott. I kind of like Watchman Nee books, too....
God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for translating me from darkness to light.The pastor who shared God's truth to me. I'm eternally grateful for her obedience and love.My friend and dear brother in Christ, Mike, who never gave up on me and who faithfully kept throwing me a life line while I was backsliding, all in spite of my lousy and ungrateful response to his loyal friendship.My friend, Mindy, who's friendship I've taken for granted. She's thrown me tons of life lines and has kept me in prayer, too. She's been through the fire many times and has proven again and again that God is loving and is a protector, and the Source of the only real Life.