Love of God, writing, reading, dancing about, old black and white flixs, playing music and sing out of tune at the top of lungs. making people feeling good about who they are in the great cold world , Having a chance to be a mom,kids keep us real and young even after 30. Lol .p
those i could share a cup of tea with. kitchen table friend
alro guthrie, bob dylan , Bob wiseman, steve forbert, richie lee jones, the late kieth green, muddy waters weather report, music with a message that deem social change.
razor edge) with bill murray in it,christmas carol, it a wonderful life, Jesus of narath, the days of our life. buglar with whoopie goldberg.
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Bible. mere christianty, by cs lewis,, to many other to mention,walden,old poetry books, usually given as gift from my brother Danny.
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embed width="430" height="389" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="" A person who stand up despite public view, Some who is not afraid to say Im wrong and stand corrected and broaden their understanding .Most of all God
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