DETHCORE MAFIA is the creation of musician Mike Daly.After years playing in the hardore/metal genre.Mike has been working as a one man band and arranger.
In the fall of 2007 Mike was hired to score" Starkey Road''A independent film by GOTM/Omnipotent productions.Release still pending.
Quentin Tarantino Biography,For the student film class at Lynn University.Released fall 2007.
Currently working on new music video With GOTM/OMNIPOTENT Productions release date set for early 2009,Including a tribute to Gar Samuelson,original MEGADETH and FATAL OPERA drummer who was Mikes employer and close friend for many years.The DETHCORE MAFIA Debut will be finished and available by the fall of 2008."Many thanks to all the wonderful artist i have met through the mighty MYSPACE community.Hope to see you all soon".