Frankie Yale was head of the New York mob called the Black handers. The other rival gang at that time were a group of Irish called the White handers lead by Wild Bill Lovett and Peg Leg Lonergan.These two factions would constantly fight each other for control of the lucreative docks. (Fish markets and shipping).Yales' crew eventually prevails.Back in New York during his younger days, Al Capone went to work for Yale tending bar and even supplying muscle at Yale's * Harvard Inn at Coney Island. Yale tutored Al on the ways of gangstering.Yale was said to be sometimes kind, but was also known as very wicked. One instance had Yale beating the crap out of his younger brother Angelo to teach him a lesson.On his nicer side he liked to help out the fellow italians with food for the poor and coal to heat their homes.He had a vain personality as seen with the manufacturing of his own line of cigars with his likeness on the box.These cigars were apparently atrocious for their smell and taste.He didn't care as long as he made $ from them.He was known as a fixer and managed to beat the rap on many cases against him. He was into bootlegging ,racketeering. He also held repectable businesses such as a funeral parlor and a cafe.the six guys killed in the massacre