I have been a master Automotive Technician for 15 years. I have used my experience as a Master Technician, In order to re-develop a Brazillian product to allow any Gasoline burning car to run on Ethanol/E85 or as I call it "Moonshine".
Yes it is completly possible and Viable. I have at this time converted 40,000 "gasoline only" cars to flex fueled vehicles which can now run on gasoline and or ethanol. 40,000 cars world wide with a 3 ton per car reduction in harmfull pollutants. so that is 120,000 Tons or almost 2.5 million pounds. This amount of emission reduction will fill a state the size of New Jersey. In one years worth of driving( just doing my part ).
I also have a Federal license to produce 10,000 Gallons of Ethanol "moonshine" a year. In the past year I have been on numerous television news shows multiple documentaries, Discovery channel,CNN. Invited as a guest speaker at many Clean cities organizations nation wide and have set up world wide distirbution of my product ECO-FLEX Platinum www.mye85kit.com
What a sacrifice I have made and what a long long journey it has been. From eating boloney sandwiches,living like a savage with only a dream to do my part in reducing our dependence on foriegn oil and helping to increase our American economy.
Well I tell you all stand tough and never let someone stop you from dreaming. I emplore you all to join my blog and tell me of your thoughts of using ethanol as opposed to gasoline.
Dan Lorenzo
Xpertech Automotive Inc,