MOMMY S3Z NO profile picture


This is Rock n' Roll Baby !!!

About Me

Tromapalooza Poultrygeist Promo
CD now available.$8.00 Pay using cash, check or certified check mail orders, please contact us via myspace. Thank You.----Got the CD. Seriously, it's brilliant. One of the best things that I've been sent in a long time. Really good recording, it captures all the raw spirit and energy. Excellent songs, there is a real "band sound" but there is also variety, dynamics and depth... and the band is rockin'. You guys did a really good job!--------- review from Jeff Dahl ............................................................ ..................................................... .MOMMY S3Z NO is a punk/rock band based in the Twin Cities. MOMMY S3Z NO was created from the ashes of Magenta Lip Bomb. Jeff had got some friends together. Mike, from the Quincy Punx, and Evil from Buzz Harvest, together to play kick ass punk music. To get the full experience of the band attending a live show is a must. ACTUALLY, THAT'S EVIL'S VERSION. HERE'S JEFF'S:Tales of debauchery, stories from the gutters of love, memories from a nightmare or three, and a personal triumph, or two and there you have it. We'll keep ya posted as more details become available. OK NOW HERE"S AN UPDATE-We originally got together June 26th to record a project for Jeff,We went into the studio and Mike played Vampire baby with us for the first time(4 hours later we had a song)Then we were offered a show on July 7th on July 4th and decided to go for it. We went back to the studio Aug 29th and recorded our album in 5 hours.Aug 30th we went back and laid the vocals down as well as the live acoustic track Bang!!!!!ALBUM DONE!!!!!!We spent around 6- 6.5 hours mixing it and here you go,A REAL ROCK and ROLL record,so make your ears happy and buy the cd!! You won't be sorry, and kEEP AN EYE OUT,WE'LL BE ROLLIN THROUGH YOUR TOWN AND ROCKIN THE SHIT OUT OF IT SOON,SEE YA THEN....... Cheers MOMMY S3Z NOTo Book MOMMY S3Z NO contact Jeff here or Jammy and Kaily at JLB

My Interests


Member Since: 5/16/2007
Band Website: The one you are on
Band Members: Jeff - Guitar/Lead vocals Evil - Bass Guitar/Vocals Al - Drums, Tin cans, Garbage can lids, and hubcaps Markk-Drums from 12/07 -2/08 Mike- Drums from 6/26/07 until 12/07.CANNIBAL GIRL live
Influences: Something we find ourselves under? Things you're told not to do,Heartbreak, Addiction,Women,Fun,
Sounds Like:Here's you haiku of the day, inspired by the viscious violence of a Mommy S3z No show.Razorwire travels through your bloodflow, to you heart - tearing you apart.This was written by D-Rock,a friend and fan on Feb 08 2008 after our Feb O7 show
Click here to get your own player.


Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Band update, What youve got coming in the next few months

So here we are in blogland again, who really cares ? Well, I don't really know, but if I don't get this written down somewhere I might forget where, what , and who I am, and so if anyone out there hap...
Posted by MOMMY S3Z NO on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 12:10:00 PST

recording time again

So we figured that it was time to throw up some new tunes and assault your ears with a taste of Mommy’s new songs.We booked some time on Monday March 31st and are recording it old school, like t...
Posted by MOMMY S3Z NO on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 05:40:00 PST

new drummer and projects

Our drummer Markk has stepped down to pursue other avenues in music and the split was mutual, no hard feelings on either side,  Check out his other projects and stuff via his profile in our top f...
Posted by MOMMY S3Z NO on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:07:00 PST

A collection of feedback and reviews

I've compiled a group of reviews, about our cd, and live shows from friends, influences, and innocent bystanders here for a feel good page when we're bummed so here it is, Enjoy..........................
Posted by MOMMY S3Z NO on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 12:24:00 PST

Success after a bazillion years of failure

Ok, most of my close friends know, along with whoever chose to listen to my over excited drivel about the upcoming Feb 23 rd show where I'm flying down to Arizona to play (as decided yesterday), Dead ...
Posted by MOMMY S3Z NO on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 08:20:00 PST


NEW STUFF !!@!!!!!I just got word that the prelim sketches for our upcoming  CANNIBAL GIRL comic/cd release, JOE  from MONSTER INK has taken the reins of the artwork,so go help support him a...
Posted by MOMMY S3Z NO on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 05:17:00 PST

a brief word about BE MY GHOUL

OK,it has come up a few times about how descriptive I get in the spoken part of be my ghoul,Originally the song was inspired bythe girls that like looking like they're dead,both those goth type vampir...
Posted by MOMMY S3Z NO on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 11:52:00 PST


We hit the studio today(RATTUS RATTUS AUDIO)and laid the tracks for upcoming cd.10 original tunes bringing with them a rock-n-roll kick in the nuts.The guitar solos were also laid down and then tomorr...
Posted by MOMMY S3Z NO on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 05:57:00 PST

Evil's message 2

 Well as some of you may already know... I had stitches put in my hand a few hours before our last show. The stitches didn't bother me but at showtime I still couldn't feel my fingers on my left ...
Posted by MOMMY S3Z NO on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 01:45:00 PST

Evil's message

I would just like to thank everybody for your terrific comments on Vampire Baby.  Please also note that it is not a finished version, I do sing backup y'know.  I would also like to thank Rat...
Posted by MOMMY S3Z NO on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 02:19:00 PST