BookExpo America profile picture

BookExpo America


About Me

BEA 2008 is gearing up to be even bigger and even better. The show will take place at the award winning Los Angeles Convention Center, one of the key contributors to the economic and cultural vitality of Los Angeles. As one of the most technologically advanced, architecturally pleasing, and functionally superb venues in the world, our expert service teams are committed to providing you with a World Class experience worthy of our World Class city.”Pubilshers, authors, booksellers, retailer, agents, rights professionals and anyone in the business of books, register today for BEA at - at the Los Angeles Convention Center, May 29-June 1, 2008.

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

Booksellers, Chain bookstores, University/College Booksters, Specialty Bookstores, Online Booksellers, Comic Book Retailers, Museum Stores, Consumer Electronics, Toy Stores, Bookclubs, Librarians, Literary Agenst, Scouts, Acquisitions Editors, Rights Directors, Film / TV Developers / Producers, Educational Professionals, Publishers' Reps, Advertising, Sales, PR Consultants, Publishers, Auhtors, Critics and Reviewers


Graphic Novels, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Children's Books, Gift Merchandise, Audiobooks, Art, Remainders, Religious, Spiritual/Inspirational, International Books, Small Press, University Press and more!

My Blog

Special Events at BEA

Join BEA for a variety of Special Events including: Upfront & Unscripted with Jeff Bezos and Wired's Chris Anderson  Hear what new and exciting from this Amazon CEO and what's in store for KINDLE...
Posted by BookExpo America on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 07:21:00 PST