Gods Wil profile picture

Gods Wil

Booze & music help me through my life

About Me

I was born. There is nothing to mention about the period afterwards that is worth to mention.
Every tuesday I throw 120 minutes non-stop noise on radio and internet: hetprogramma.al-noisa.org / dj.godswil.com .
Music & booze help me through my life.

Past activities:

Recent activities:

Upcoming activities:

My Interests

beer, black, blood, bondage, boots, chains, domination, drinking, girls without make-up, harsh electronics, het programma, industrial, machines, meat, movies, music, noise, nonsense, not white, parties, power electronics, power noise, sexploitation, skin, smoking, squat, tattoos, trash, underground, vintage movie posters, vinyl, zombies


60's garage, ait!, alk0, archon satani, asche, atrox, aural blasphemy, autoaggression, azoikum, bacillus, brandkommando, brujeria, buckettovsissors, burn ward aka brn, child patrol, con-dom, control, converter, core-tex labs, deadwood, death industrial, dimmu borgir, distortion, diutesc, doom, dulce liquido, dvt, einleitungszeit, eisengrau, eternal soul records, ex.order, fckn bstrds, fire in the head, folkstorm, freak animal, free radio, genocide organ, goat, goatvargr, green army fraction, grunt, guitar wolf, harsh electronics, haus arafna, het programma, hocico, independent, industrial, industriepalast, institut, irikarah, kunt, l.white records, leiche rustikal, linija mass, macelleria mobile di mezzanotte, maison close, mal'occhio, malignant records, maschinenfest, mechanoise labs, merzbow, missratener sohn, morgenstern, mourmansk 150, ms gentur, muskel, mz.412, navicon torture technologies, noise, noisex, onirot, operation miranda, oscillating innards, painslut, panzer division, power electronics, power noise, radio patapoe, records, rhythmic noise, roman torment, rudra vena, savak, schachtanlage gegenort, schwadron, sektion b, sickness, sielwolf, skalpell, skm-etr, sleeping with the earth, smell & quim, steinklang records, strom.ec, submissive parasites, suicidal rap orgy, suicide commando, survival unit, tekno, terror organ, the remains, the rita, the sonics, thorofon, torturecide, underground, vinyl, vo.i.d, wiener aktivisten, winterkälte, wumpscut, zymosiz


braindead aka dead alive, bad taste, toxic avenger, visitor q, delicatessen, bad lieutentant, female market, gummo, dracula, trailers, tesis, tetsuo, the raven, blair witch project, the matrix, hammer films, tierra, pulp fiction, henry: portrait of a serial killer, i bought a vampire motorcycle, re-animator, offscreen, irréversible, guinea pig series, thundercrack!, tokyo decadence, caligula, roger corman, nekromantik, deep throat, basket case, penetration angst, troma, sexploitation, zombies, tombs of the blind dead, sars wars, black sheep, richard kern, nick zedd, the thing, men behind the sun

My Blog

Thule Klub -The Resurrection- Fri 20.06

Posted by Gods Wil on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 11:00:00 PST

Radio Patapoe benefit party, sat may 31st

Posted by Gods Wil on Wed, 14 May 2008 11:04:00 PST

Sun 18 May: DJ @ Café Mono Amstrdm

Posted by Gods Wil on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 09:38:00 PST

Download "Het Programma - Tue, 5 Feb 2008"

I've recorded the show of Het Programma d.d. 5 feb 2008.It's available for download here:http://www.simpleupload.net/download/298590/20080205b.m p3.html.You can find the corresponding playlist here: ht...
Posted by Gods Wil on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 10:32:00 PST

Noise in London April 22nd

PAN / Harbinger Sound / Authorised Version present:The Gramaphone,60-62 Commercial St,Spitalfields, London, E1 6LTINFO: www.pan-act.comTICKETS: www.a-version.co.uk/ticketsRAMLEHBROKEN FLAG’S GAR...
Posted by Gods Wil on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:48:00 PST

Sun 30 Mar: DJ + Bday @ Café Mono Amstrdm

I will celebrate my birthday at next League’s party! Drop by and I’ll by you a drink. One condition: NO PRESENTS!...
Posted by Gods Wil on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 12:27:00 PST

AFFF Night Of Terror 2008

De Nacht begint om 0.30u met het Spaanse [REC], een bloedstollende zombiefilm die geheel bestaat uit de 'live beelden' van een televisieploeg die een brandweerploeg een flatgebouw in volgt tijdens een...
Posted by Gods Wil on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 11:05:00 PST

Les Sciences Bruitistes

les sciences bruitisteswww.instantschavires.comSchedule:15h00 : Ouverture15h30 : Krzych16h15 : Sorry17h00 : Christine sehnaoui vs Ryan Jewell17h45 : Vomir18h30 : Bobby moo19h15 : Unisson19h15 : Stupid...
Posted by Gods Wil on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 10:50:00 PST

Sat 3 May: DJ @ The SubGenius Devival Hambrg (Ger)

May 2nd-5th The SubGenius Hamburg Freak Festival and Devival Hamburg Germany with (tentativly)The Cassandra ComplexMutate NowGlobThe Tumorchestra , PopeBlack, Pope Perro and St. Kay Witke, Rev. Carl X...
Posted by Gods Wil on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 01:36:00 PST

Sinday 10 Feb: DJ @ Café Mono Amstrdam

Posted by Gods Wil on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 01:54:00 PST