Fuzzy G is an independent label and is working to promote independent music. Our clients are varied and diverse because good music comes in many forms and genres. Watch for updates as Fuzzy G developes new and exciting projects. In the mean time check out our merchandise at http:www.cafepress.com/fuzzyg**UPDATE**Our main website is coming right along and will go live very soon!
We've found a great solution that allows us to host and sell our own mp3s more details to follow.
Flamenco Man is working to complete work on his album and we hope to be able to offer it for sale by the end of August. His newest tune is shaping up nicely and sound is fantastic. Those of you who love Spanish guitar will really enjoy this one. You may have noticed that F.M. is rather shy and hides his face. He tells us that is because he just wants to share his music and doesn't particularly care about fame. That's ok with us F.M. just keep on picking that wonderful guitar!Swampslide is also working on a few songs and we hope to hear some demos soon. More on that later.***UPDATE***
Swampslide has added a new song to their myspace profile entitled "Big Shakes". Be sure to check it out and leave them your comments. Flamenco Man is still working on his CD and we can't wait to share it with you. Be sure to check back with us to see the latest news regarding the main website.
Http://www.fuzzyg.net is now live and ready for the masses. We will be continuing to improve the site but we wanted to give you an opportunity to check us out. All of Ed Walker's, Flamenco Man's and Swamp Slide's Music is available for purchase as Mp3's! The players are PayPal enabled so the music is available to everyone world wide. A paypal account is not required to purchase!Attn: Musicians, if you are interested in having a player like ours please use the contact form on FuzzyG.net.A special thanks to those who support our artists and Fuzzy G. You continually amaze us with your dedication and support.Hi Friends,I've come across a truly revolutionary tool that can significantly help increase your music sales. With this piece of website software you can start selling your music online within the next 30 minutes.Here's a quick run down of some of the benefits:- Get Paid Instantly
- Deliver Your Songs Automatically
- Receive Credit Card Payments
- Easily Manage All Your Songs
- You Set The Price
- You're In Control
If you'd like to check it out, click on the following link: http://www.websitemusicplayer.com/?vip=249Thanks,Sylvia
Fuzzy G RecordsP.S. It also comes with a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!!
**********Up Date**********
Fuzzy G Records is pleased to announce the addition of Chiara Cocozza to our stable of musicians. Please visit her space and add her.http://www.myspace.com/chiaracocozzaThanksFuzzy G Records