I'm the voice in you head that says "run with the scissors"
I'm also the dirty old man you parents warned you about
I play guitar in a band called
.. www.myspace.com/2advancedv20 ..
Please check out our stuff at
.. www.myspace.com/2advancedv20 ..
I also may or may not be a genius,
completely mad or an alien life form
I can never be sure,can you?
I have juvenile degenerative spinal disease,which means I don't get around as well as I might and I am always in pain
I've also had my Thyroid Gland removed a year ago and I have problems with the replacement medication.
I drive an 81 celica
I play competition pool
I don't like creepy crawlies
I have a good idea why I'm still single but I'm not telling here.
While I find it therapeautic to get shit out of me in the blogs,I'm on here for the networking like most people.
I'm not looking for charity or sympathy,I want people to enjoy the music, if I like it chances are others will as well, you may be one of them. At least give us a listen, if you like 80's English Pop Punk ,you're half way there already
If you do indeed like our music then please, add us to your friends, tell your real life friends and family, the more people that hear us, the more likely someone might start wanting the real deal(CD Quality, not mp3)and I can make some money.
Thanks for stopping by,call back anytime.I update my blog 3or 4 times a month usually.
As always, be alarmed, we have enough lerts now!