technology, animals, the open source movement, running, biking, film, photography, kind people, beaches, hair dye, horses, computers, Oracle, Krav Maga, chocolate, Linux, Macintosh, playing pool, vegetarians/vegans, politics, dancing, idealism, human rights, animal activism, my gorgeous fabulous amazing wonderful boyfriend Donovan
Anyone who is a kind, good person.
*Friendlist is in no particular order and not all inclusive.
everything-Nine Inch Nails, WilyMark, Hollyboots, Patrick Hazell, Alana Sweetwater, Linkin Park, Nerina Pallot, Madonna, Xtraction, Legendary Shack Shakers, Chris Fitzpatric, Jo-S-So, Tallulah Bardens, Division Day, One AM Radio, Moby, Muse, Faint, much more!
The White Stallion, The Rat Catcher, Maid to Order, KPax, Back to the Future (all of them), Gia, Scream, Lord of the Flies
The X-Files, older shows that used to be on Nick at Night (Patty Duke, Dobi Gillis, etc.), MTV, Carnivale, Animal Cops, Degrassi, South of Nowhere, Law and Order, Charmed (stop laughing!), The Girls Next Door (ok-fine laugh!!)
The Prophet, Unicorn Highway, Animal Farm, The Mole People, Just for Fun, The Age of Spiritual Machines, The Pattern in the Stone, Smart Mobs, Code
my family, Donovan , Dennis Kucinich