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♥ MARA STARA ♥♥ I hold my friends & family close to my heart
♥ That said: cross me...and it's "ovah!" (not entirely. but I do hold grudges)
♥ I think I was a princess in a past life...
♥ First impressions weigh pretty heavily for me...
♥ I'm a klutz...wearing white is just asking for trouble...
♥ I have a penchant for pranks
♥ As much as I try to fight it -- I am a label whore (I can't help is in my genes)
♥ I take pictures of EVERYTHING
♥ I have a hard time liking new girls...but once I do--they're golden
♥ I'm always early
♥ I love when people are confidant and stand up for themselves
♥ I'm an advertiser's wet dream
♥ I'm deeply intrigued by unexplained phenomenons and the paranormal
♥ My emotions get the best of me
♥ I have an arsenal of lip gloss that could rival any stash of "weapons of mass destruction" (and not just because...ahem...there aren't any)
♥ I can tell if I like you or not in the first 5 minutes of conversation.
♥ I can be labeled as slightly neurotic
♥ I'm sensitive, easily distracted, indecisive, romantic...
♥ I've been known to give dirty looks without noticing/meaning to
♥ When I get sad--I sit in the bathroom by myself
♥ I'm pretty healthy. But Ketchup Chips are my Kryptonite.
♥ I like to be completely in control (that's the Capricorn in me)
♥ I can't stand pretentiousness♥ THINGS I LOVE ♥
♥ Sean !
♥ Indie Coffee
♥ J.P. Hoe (whose song is usually playing on my profile--I just had to put some M up after the concert. He is amazing.)
♥ The ocean (my name means "ocean")
♥ Being carried like a princess
♥ Sunshine
♥ I love animals more than anything
♥ Thoughtfulness
♥ Technology: my Sidekick, my iMac, text messaging...
♥ Talent
♥ Attention
♥ Laughing
♥ Inspiration
♥ Respect
♥ Make-Up
♥ Traveling
♥ Nature...when no bugs are around.
♥ Running around sunny LA with Monroe
♥ Originality
♥ Italians...represent! lol.
♥ The Beckhams (and how they match)...unhealthy, I know.
♥ Certain words: like Belagio, Carmela, Hellacious...