Kairsten profile picture


the sky above the port was the color of television

About Me

a mite whimsical in the brainpan.
"She read upon waking, sitting on the toilet, stretched out in the backseat of the car. When she went to the movies she took a book with her, to read before the show began, and it was not unusual to find her standing in front of the microwave, with a book in one hand and a fork in the other, heating a cup of noodle soup while she read, say, At Lady Molly's for the third time (she was a sucker for series and linked novels). If there was nothing else she would consume all the magazines and newspapers in the house - reading, to her, was a kind of pyromania - and when these ran out she would reach for insurance brochures, hotel prospectuses and product warranties, advertising circulars, sheets of coupons. Once I had come upon the spectacle of Sara, finished with a volume of C.P. Snow while only partway through one of the long baths she took for her bad back, desperately scanning the label on a bottle of Listerine."
(Thanks to Michael Chabon.)

My Interests

books. politics. science. misanthropy. information.

lightning. dragons. grandfather clocks. the full moon. skeleton keys. books bound in human skin.

I'd like to meet:

"If you loved me, you'd all kill yourselves today."

On second thought, I'd really like to meet young Eric Idle. I've been watching a lot of Monty Python episodes lately, and he was totally hot. So, if you're a time-traveling Eric Idle, message me. Otherwise, kill yourself.


ho-ag, church of the red museum, hallelujah the hills, fleshies, federation x, frostiva, go evol shiki, the rancid yak butter tea party, the paper chase, tom waits, david bowie, bach, brainiac, lovage, pixies, rasputina, the beach boys, ex-girl, the clash, joy division, verdi, faith no more, sweetheart, the magnetic fields, phantods, gravy train!!!!, kopaz, the dresden dolls, queen, nick cave and the bad seeds, belle and sebastian, sigur ros, prince, flotation walls, devo, bis, dead moon, buzzcocks, blondie, my bloody valentine


lord of the rings, ghostbusters, young frankenstein, donnie darko, casablanca, david lynch, stanley kubrick, labyrinth, spirited away, tim burton, neptune, wes anderson, city of lost children, the professional, bram stoker's dracula, apocalypse now, pirates of the caribbean, terry gilliam, ghost world, heathers, drop dead gorgeous, death to smoochy, clueless, harold and maude, mirrormask, march of the penguins, scent of a woman, secretary, suspiria


adult swim, the simpsons, my so-called life, the daily show, doctor who, monty python. (guilty pleasures: reruns of Law and Order)


lord of the rings, godel escher bach (+ all douglas hofstadter), neuromancer (+ all william gibson), sandman (+ all neil gaiman), transmetropolitan (+ all warren ellis, except not some of the superhero stuff), fear and loathing on the campaign trail '72 and everything else written by hunter s. thompson, cryptonomicon (+ the rest of neal stephenson), murakami haruki, his dark materials, darwin's dangerous idea (and all daniel c. dennett), the selfish gene (and all richard dawkins), harry potter, jorge luis borges, discworld, china mieville, love and rockets, gabriel garcia marquez, salman rushdie, jeff noon, jeff vandermeer, dune, dave mckean, cory doctorow, jonathan carroll, kelly link, roald dahl, harlan ellison, gormenghast, and so many more that this is actually a pointless exercise.


the founding fathers, darwin, einstein, godel, turing, feynman, jfk and rfk, dawkins, dennett, hofstadter, hunter s. thompson.

My Blog

Puddy tat

My kitty was sick, but now he's better. Turns out he had a very expensive tummy ache. Such is life in the cat lane.It's all worth it just to have him back to normal and sitting in my lap purring at me...
Posted by Kairsten on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 08:41:00 PST

An actual serious blog post - on MySpace?

From a comment on this blog post, which is well worth reading, both for the article and (many of) the comments: It takes pretty creative reasoning to start with the natural relationship between sex an...
Posted by Kairsten on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 08:46:00 PST

Columbus + Hallelujah the Hills

Why hello. What have I been up to in the past week or so? Here goes:As always, just assume I've been working myself to exhaustion. Besides that!Last weekend: Comfest. You can see all of my comfest pho...
Posted by Kairsten on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 10:14:00 PST

Heroes vs. Villains

As you can probably tell by my new photo, the Heroes vs Villains party was a smash hit. Due to the recent revelation that I actually do look like Carrie Fischer from that era, and also due to an aweso...
Posted by Kairsten on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 09:32:00 PST

Hockey and Sharpies

What a weekend. Friday: Blackhawks vs. Predators; the triumphant Chicago debut of the Random Sharpie Tattoo Game (for you new players, if you want to see some of the old photos, just click to that set...
Posted by Kairsten on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 09:19:00 PST

The Shedd

I went to the Shedd again.Octopus:Sea dragon (don't these just prove evolution?):Lizard walkin' around:A fine specimin of a bearded dragon:Also, sleepy:Look how red this guy is. He was totally pissed:...
Posted by Kairsten on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 08:06:00 PST

Thanksgiving in Wisconsin

I feel these two photos sum up Thanksgiving in Wisconsin:Fine, fine. Here's a picture of my cat being adorable....
Posted by Kairsten on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 05:50:00 PST

Election night thoughts, posted the day after.

Written last night. Posted today.I had a few people over to watch the returns this evening. It was fun, and we had a good time chatting and yelling at the TV and sighing over Jon Stewart. We literally...
Posted by Kairsten on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 05:39:00 PST

"Well, I've got to get back inside there / Back where at least they're alive"

So, right, Chicago. It's been an eventful month-and-a-half. Kind of. I still don't have a job, but have had lots of interviews, with another tomorrow. I really hope something works out soon.I've foun...
Posted by Kairsten on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 08:11:00 PST

"I deduce that candy is delicious!"

I'm finally in Chicago, and living is sweet.Well, not quite yet. I'm still job-hunting. But soon! And I have a great apartment. Photos are here.Here's the front of the building:My kickass new dresser:...
Posted by Kairsten on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 09:20:00 PST