over the counter sleeping aids, cake frosting, partying WITH although not necessarily LIKE rock stars, transcending the commmonest, most easily attainable mediocrity available, stealing malted milk balls out of the malted milk ball bins in the bulk food isle, comic books about twee indie emo whiners, comic books about anything, deconstructing negative thought looping patterns for fun, love and profits, ruining sweaters by washing them incorrectly, princess sleeves, most caffienated beverages, self help rhetoric and pumping iron.
3 times out of ten i'd probably like to meet you but not if you have an overly pimped out myspace page that bleets a totally obnoxious song the minute i open up your profile and then when i try to go turn off the music, your page is soooo pimped out that i can't even find the place to turn off the music! man! that is so hella one of my pet peeves.
my musical tastes are dated and quaint. lately i like the american analogue set and johnny cash. see? not super hip and just slightly behind the times.
i like movies
i like TV.
i have anti-heroes because i know what's good for me.