Synthetic Visions profile picture

Synthetic Visions

The Synthetic Visions - be inspired...........

About Me

Greetings - I'm Richard from Southsea, Portsmouth, a musician during my spare time when Eastenders is a little dull and when there is no wine left in the rack................I first tinkered on a synthesiser in 1983 when 'I was a lad' and inspired by the then electro pop of Depeche Mode, Howard Jones and Kraftwerk, I bought my first synth in 1986. - During 1984, I grew into Tangerine Dream and Jarre (while also discovering Black Sabbath and Rainbow) and later got heavily into the vibrant UK synth scene with the likes of Ron Berry, Mark Shreeve, Ian Boddy and Wavestar. - However, by the mid 1990's trance was really buzzing on Radio 1's Danny Ramplin's Euromix and by this time with my trustee, mostly second hand gear, I started to produce music and sounds I was pleased with. Clubs like Frog on the Front in Southsea took my interest in Trance to a new level with DJ's like Mark Chapman and Mike Knight playing some real underground stuff and on late night TV you had to catch BPM for the update on React and the whole Ibizia scene.- - I wrote my first album on a 4 track in 1987. But my first proper CD, Millennium Dawn was completed in 1996 with help and encouragment by some mates Mark Durham and Martin Hayter, it was very trance meets old skool electronic music, but hey I thought it was good. - I have since composed music that has been played on Radio Victory in Portsmouth and on a CDROM for Gosport's Submarine museum and later at a LAB4 concert night in 2003 and so on....I even composed the music for my sisters wedding. (it wasnt trance it was more Mike Oldfield stuff I still really like). - If only I could play the guitar though I would be doing some METAL and THRASH - oh well !!!! - Whatever you like - Enjoy !

My Interests


Member Since: 5/9/2007
Band Members: Portsmouth based - Me, myself and I and of course the synths, computer and tea lady ! Also the occasional guest stars...
Influences: Most trance, Astral Projections, The Shamen etc. Tangerine Dream, Mark Shreeve, Kraftwerk, Jean Michel Jarre, Ian Boddy, Vangelis and Mike Oldfield. Pink Floyd......... Also Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Judas Priest, Saxon, Blackmore's Night, Rainbow, Testament, Oasis, Debussy, Depeche Mode, Ultravox, OMD, Klaus Schulze, Lab 4, Chopin, Beethoven, Bach......
Sounds Like: Vangelis meets Yello at Jarres place while Mark Shreeve gets the beers in, and who says it sounds like the Pet Shop Boys ??? Send my pics and video to your cell phone!
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Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None