Member Since: 1/5/2007
Band Members: EJ and influences such as Gregory Crewdson, Michael Haneke, The Brothers Quay, Harold Pinter, Edward Albee, Arthur Miller, The Brothers Capek, David Harrower, Jan Svankmajer, Terry Gilliam, Wislawa Szymborska, Krzystof Kieslowski, Lewis Caroll, Edward Gorey, Edgar Allan Poe, Patricia Highsmith, Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Julio Cortazar, Jorge Luis Borges, Vladimir Propp, R.D. Laing, 'Haunted House' by Jan Pienkowski,'Under the Skin' by Michel Faber, 'The Cement Garden' by Ian McEwan, 'Music for Torching' by AM Homes, 'Waterland' by Graham Swift, 'The Wasp Factory' by Iain Banks, 'Ferdydurke' by Witold Gombrowicz, anything by Adam Phillips, Wolf Blass Yellow Label, double espressos, David Lynch,,, Max Ernst, Dorothea Tanning, George Shaw ('Scenes from the Passion' paintings), Odilon Redon, Franz Lanting, Gillian Wearing, Mike Nelson, Martin Creed, Edward Dadd, Edward Hopper, Stanley Kubrick, Jeff Wall, Gilbert and George, Tanya Judd, Paul Noble, Victor Pasmore, Rene Magritte, Eduardo Paolozzi, Parviz Tanavoli, Artur Adamov, Darren Aronofsky, George Sluizier, Fumito Ueda, Géla Babluani, FSOL, aRtx, The Third Eye Foundation, Quantic, Way Out West, Underworld, Philip Glass, Tosca, The Egg, chilli olives, chilli anything, dark chocolate with coffee, goldfish, when life plays out like a film, conversations in twilight places. Crepuscular, adamant, cusp, capillary, obsidian, pusillanimous, vortex, apogee, lodestone, photolithography, indigenous, subversion, cedilla, miasma, draconian, insurmountable, dilation, attic, velocity, loom, bismuth.
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Influences: /ulrich schnauss/
/kruder and dorfmeister/
/eat static/
/mr udagawa/
/aphex twin/
/shell beach/
/secret weapons/
/boards of canada/
/way out west/
Sounds Like: a hummingbird singing in the dead of night
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None