I like stuff. Read the about me section.
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Pretty much anyone who is either going to make me think or make me laugh. If you're even half as cool as the people below (with the exception of myself of course) then we may get along. Then again, we may not.
Metallica, System of a Down, Jimmy Eat World, The Doors, Yeah Yeah Yeahs....i took K Rock off my preset stations when Howard Stern left, I like to pretend like I can dance when I get drunk, and it makes me like music that I look silly liking. I like music that makes me drive fast, and makes Lee want to punch people. I like to bop. And Two for Tuesdays and Saturday Night 80's are the best radio days of the week.
The Wizard of Oz, Face/Off, Big, Harry Potters, Lord of the Ringses, Labyrinth, Rocky Horror, Kevin Smith, and god knows how many other movies i like or have seen that I am farrrr too lazy to list here. I spent the better part of my young life watching movies, and the beginning of being a grown up working at a movie theater, I watch a lot of them, and I will give you a run for your money in the Movie Game. Try me.
Buffy, Angel, Nip/Tuck, Aqua Teen, South Park, mostly shows which involve acting. Not me watching some bastard get rich for doing nothing and sucking at life in front of millions of people to watch. Reality TV sucks.
Dr. Seuss. Harry Potter. Lemony Snicket. Stephen King. The Da Vinci Code. Gregory Maguire. Others
Van Gogh. Dali. Einstein. Da Vinci. Shakespeare. Poe.
Doc Holiday.
Karen from Will & Grace (not Megan Mullaly, KAREN), Tina Fey, Kevin Spacey, Andy Serkis, Stephen King, Dr. Seuss....
Angelina Jolie