Twiggy profile picture


Mir geht es ziemlich beschissen heute

About Me

I'm from everywhere, mostly Tallahassee and New Orleans. You may know me from Atlanta, or Gainesville, Appleton WI, Austin, Orlando, possibly NY. I have been almost everywhere in the US at one point or another. I live in Charlotte now and I run an independant video store and write for a local magazine. I am a movie extra, a comic book character, a video game character, a model, a concert promoter, and a ghost writer. I have a teenage daughter and a couple of cats and some other critters and a lot of action figures. I am a Hellfish and a Subgenius. I travel overseas a lot and speak some German. I can cook better than you. I can spin 2 yo-yos at once. Yes, that's right, you remember me now..........

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See if you can find a 15-year-old Twiggy in this Robbie Robertson video from 1991!!! (click on link) Go Back To Your Woods
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My Interests

Watching movies, travelling overseas, booking shows, hitchhikin' round the country, ground scoring, porch drinkin', dumpster diving, spray painting, eating at fancy restaraunts while looking like a scumbag, writing nonsense, chasing men, doing my hair, collecting stupid toys, shooting my gun at appliances, rough sex, playing pranks on people i know, partying too hard, keeping guys away from my daughter, serial killing, burying people. You know, the usual girl crap..........

I'd like to meet:

People with passports. Let's get the fuck outta here.....


All time favorites: Mr. Bungle, Bad Religion, Foetus, Einsturzende Neubauten, Crass, DEVO, Dead Kennedys, Doors, Slayer, Primus, Subhumans, Tool, Legendary Pink Dots, Negativland, Pink Floyd, Lunachicks, Macabre, Dritte Wahl, Meatmen, Toy Dolls, Voodoo Glow Skulls, Xray spex, Lillingtons, Mindless Self Indulgence, Anthrax, Megadeth, Guns n Roses, P-Funk, Praga Khan, Sisters of Mercy, Skinny Puppy, Slime, Canal Terror. I also like a lotta 50's and 80's music. I mosty like Metal, old Punk, & Industrial, but i appreciate ALL kinds of music!


Favorites: Meet the Feebles, Dead Alive, Versus, Evil Dead trilogy, Run Lola Run, Creepshow, Aliens, Animatrix, Cube, Fight Club, Perfect Blue, Ed Gein, Supersize Me, Shaun of the Dead, Cannibal:the Musical, the Eye, Ricky Oh:the story of Ricky, Ninja Scroll, Uzumaki, Untold Story, the Wall. I like animated, foreign, Exploitation, Cult, Martial Arts, Yakuza, Mafia, Vigilante, and gross violent horror films. I HATE chick flicks and movies about feeeeelings! .. width="425" height="350"


I fucking love the Simpsons and the Venture Brothers! I also like Family Guy, Futurama, Aqua Teen, the Awful Truth, South Park, King of the Hill, Chappelle's show, X files, the Young Ones, Monty Python, Twilight Zone, Jeopardy, Ren & Stimpy, the Tick, and Sanford & Son.


George Hayduke's revenge books, mysteries, serial killer novels, Comic books, Bartenders Guide, you get the idea. Anything political or disgusting gets me fired up. I only get to read when i'm travelling though, so I have to chose my books wisely. American Psycho is one my favorites..


Tick, Stephen Hawking, Grampa Simpson, Bruce Campbell, and....

My Blog

Diary of a Dumbass

First posted by Ilene, but too funny not to repost.... 10:16 PM - diary of a dumbassCurrent mood: bulliedA journal portraying the patheticness that is ... well, she knows who she is. Unless you know t...
Posted by Twiggy on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 08:19:00 PST

Hatin on the Bluetooth....

As if those hands-free phone earplugs weren’t irritating enough, now i see people come into the store every day wearing those goddamn ghetto-ass Bluetooth devices glued to their ear! Half the ti...
Posted by Twiggy on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 01:20:00 PST

If you want me to add you as a friend...

I don't add people i don't know, and i may not recognize you from your pic, ESPECIALLY if your profile is set to "private"!If this is you, don't be mad that i didn't add you! Just write me explaining ...
Posted by Twiggy on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 10:10:00 PST

If I deleted you....

It's because you didn't write me enough. I'm tired of getting 50 bulletins a day from people who don't talk to me. If you really want me as a friend, visit my ass or shoot me an email every once in a ...
Posted by Twiggy on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 10:22:00 PST

Hey! Guess what????

Nobody gives a shit about internet drama. Can i come to your party?
Posted by Twiggy on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 01:06:00 PST

If I don't know you...

I will not add you if I don't know, so please don't try. I'm sure your band or business is just great, but I'm only on here to talk to my friends. Please advertise somewhere else.
Posted by Twiggy on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 11:18:00 PST