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Heather aka BKitty

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I love babies, music, makeup, hair, sitting around watchin movies while veggin out all day, and dancin all night (or whenever i can find a sitter for 4 kids hehe)...
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My Interests

makup, hair, costumes, performing, designing, ......and makin babies :P

I'd like to meet:

The makers of all spyware, so I could hang them by their toes from a ceiling fan that I would turn on high. Then force them to drink an entire gallon of curdled whole milk, and send them to an amusement park on some kids get in free day. Then if I could ever figure it out I would implant a virus into their brains causing pop ups everytime they were in the middle of any type of sexual interaction.


I like almost anything I can dance to. Cant seem to get into country.


Underworld (makes me wanna run around and bite people), Boondock Saints (A MUST SEE MOVIE), Advent Children (can't wait till it comes out in america), Dark Crystal, Never Ending Story, Bible Black (the spliced version with only the sex scenes from all the episodes), The Matrix (all of them), The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, City of Lost Children, Human Traffic, Snatch, Zoolander, Iceage (gimme a break I have 3 kids), Whalerider (everyone in the theatre walked out trying to wipe their tears and not look like saps), King Kong (u gotta see it in theatres), Gangs of Newyork (AWESOME),


Battleship Galactica, Firefly, House, Bones, umm..I dont watch much tv but whenever its on I do just stare stupified at the screen.


Enders game was an incredible book. The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy will remain my fav till the day I die.


YuzienBorn (meh 6'4" sexy beast of a hubby)

My Blog

Blog Blog Blog

Now I have officially posted my first blog, so all you haters can shut the hell up now! lol.  You already know I'm boring I told you in my headline, so if your reading this is hopes of being intr...
Posted by Heather aka BKitty on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 08:41:00 PST