THEATRE REQUIRED:OSCARBULLION PRODUCTION,WINTER IN IT'S PLACE. If the vendor agrees to my terms there is no reason why the asking price can not be met and possibly a extension negotiated with the sitting tenant. My terms are the vendor as sponsor pays three years fixed mortgage rate on completion the lenders fee and all legal fees plus duty. And you the vendors agent find on behalf of the purchaser soon to be(fullfix mortgage ltd)a adverse100%loan of five years interest repayment only. Hopefully to be one of many where we can help find similar sponsorships for stress free housing for all associates connected to the production transparency is paramount,Executive Director S.R.B. ========================= winter in it's place. tourist spacey takes refuse in the rear door of a theater in a sleepingbag (brand)leans on door door ajar,spacey squats theater. dusty old theater discarded instuments silent screen and projector,lap-top phone plus camra hotspot user content friends show support,one member of the support group leaves instuctions stating a roulette machine in a bookmakers(nearest) is credited and programmed for replay so when credit exshursted informational numbers leave mulipul contacts ring/tel(optional according to leadroll on a doubledown system)weather taken early as prodution costs or not. mean time first friends support roll,narrater is addiment that kiplin is best read square.LIGHT SOUND,ACTION,while silent screen(backdrop)shows early prodution of soliliguy.summer shows sadness as only winter in it's place. comment for exstention.BBC2 BRITISH TV.bids flow in after comic makes sale statement. Dara and Rory soon realise that by selling Griff's cramped classic yacht they could buy three spacious and luxurious modern yachts. ========================= ========================= NORTHERN ROCK : RESCUE PLAN FOR THE REPOSSESSED,I'm willing to extend my offer under my terms your management the full repurchase of repossessed property you now have on your books with first options of residential letting to the outed with options to buyback from the third year according to the upkeep of the property and a stabilised infrastructure.
People that can extend this idea:The idea behind this site is to turn each person within the top tear of Oscars freinds(Oscar being the 3D animate&awards merchandiser)into the main character of an episode,placing them in the freinds location were visiters will be able to download/upload page produce.At first there will be 48 episodes of one half hour slots making a total of a twenty four hour programme,episode are to be allocated to teams of ten produced via there myspace team pages.Each team will have the ability to invest a start-up of £50,000 in stocks&shares on a doubledown system (on a set down percentage) through the eleventh man,being the same in each team. where they'll be a minimum trading charge of £12.50 whitch will supplement expanding teams Through an agreement with multi national company's that accept a packaged external staff investment(home workers)and a use of there idle units&accounts. profit taking continually upgrade the episodes (the bullion run)freinds requests that wait in the wings will have bid exchange and transfer availablity through bulletin,stats control hub content inturn postions top tear. where a multi national is a GOING CONSERN(in freinds)buyback maybe concidered. portfolio 1:to date,BARC:IX BLND:LN BVIC:LN CFC:US GCAP:LN ITV:LN JPR:LN NTL:US NZFF:US (is module) VMED:LN
STOPCLOCK:Profile Ticket Machine:captcha promoter tickets whitch download gigs on myspace.
Provided By
if i was to find sponsership for a team of ten following the system i promote say a bookmakers portabello road london would you pay good money to watch there progress on the big screen the cinema portobello and at wot price.time bandits,angels with dirty faces,vincents oilfield ,the columbus apprentise,footfalls.
richman poorman,finger wrinkle and deadleaf,late park and good gate. uglifish in a sour bowl, living with swans and feeding rats,arial bagger.modern puzzle,the lolipopman,monsters an marmalade,she's got toffee on her toes.
player 01,page masters assistant. player 02,oscars assistant. player 03,monday. player 04,tuesday. player 05,wedsday. player 06,thursday. player 07,friday. player 08,assistant producer. player 09,producer. player 10,page master/director. the eleventh man/oscarbullion. ========================= main character:a poet that justifies alcohol for his/her art, =========================WINTER IN IT'S PLACE I SIGHT THE ROSE small wonder then,all made when all formed and dreams and shadows and guilt make low forecasts sound like great guns. then drive the diluted,shake off the steam wonder then all say why we are again. after high mount low spear small town low drawn hollow hill large brow,when once one never tells.and all around makes safe rather than spill the beans,deal to lose and draw to gain show to please and drown for pain,please only when you trust me cross the border and slay me again. WONDROUS WHORE OF WISDOM,SPEAK SOME SUMMERTIME TROUBLE COME FORMED AS A SAINT. only to find winter in its place. not long before midnight march may seem shrouded by glory and car-rest in dreams look upon past heartaches within the losing spring, dread life as you make it then shoulder and scream. for i am the trust the mantel the forge,the stern and the cross. when the light is mine the meal is yours and all shall be available. ========================= The bullion run. this for design and great comfort,shallow stills made triumphant, ridge joust drawn and short ,fowl betray fly forth, not to be placed on the tables of soliliguy, home again west we fancy, short of death praise look high, in spirit the jewel shines, only to forget the love of the light,praise the waves look as you sea,theres only two roses of the same degree,shame troubled and fallen, Jerusalem sent and corrected, meant to drive the lost problems of wrong, righteous come and give love ,lost against freedom and just.(to be updated). ========================= THE START:of the video is held as auditions voices stacked together and played as one and dream scarped through out(winter in it's place)placed on the main characters music player of a user content provider,under the influence and forgotten until sobriety calls. ========================= THE SET:a old disused theatre,dusty props,discarded instruments,silent screen&projector. ========================= IN IT TO LIVE IT:surreal short,penned to fail Nov deadline.I DISSOLVE,THE 1ST NONE AMERICAN PRESIDENT of the U.S.A. I'm willing to Fargo the presidency if those that continue to the white house promise 1% of G.D.P politically to create a sovereign fund that gives staff positions to the general public IE those that bring back the most hardware within the executive of a public company ,weights and measures of all unlicensed arms and armaments within an amnesty handed to said company and smelted for good causes starting from salt lake city with the potential to expand through out the united states of America. this being my only political policy until complete regardless of my ability to govern ,control, formulate or suggest further successes weather or not being none American under all and when no longer in contention of any such race do other wise prepare all justice fair&lean direct/indirectly to any policy promoted and created by me.yours truly mustav.r.leeks.forth comming policy: private welfare scratch cards where you only win wot your already recieving for one year,giveing you a legal right to work while at the same time recieving.