Milla profile picture



About Me

Mario Biscotti took this picture. Oh dear, I do wonder if he altered it somehow? Bloody Paparazzi

I like peaceful grassy fields and lumps of sugar.

Welcome back, Chuck (Prince Charles, of MySpace)

Rather late? More like Rather Homely...

UPDATE: Dear peasants. I have decided on not ranking you. I find this system ridiculous. Characters are displayed for your purpose now as a directory.
Cheerio, Lets do tea. I like all of you, support Charles!

--Milla, of Cornwall

Support The Rather Late Programme!

To the critics of, The Rather Late Programme.
Wrong finger, Charles...

My Interests

Is this not the same as "about me?"
How very preposterous.

Hmm, you can pretty much do anything with him. What? Charles does... poor lad

Create your own Draw On Me

I'd like to meet:

Rock-ness the lochness
Cubes of Sugar
Duchess McGrade & Prince Ferguson.

Oh dear, these ladies I have tea with. That one thats winking is a cheeky bastard


Oh heavens no! I-I don..t like loud music. It spooks me sometimes and it takes an awful long time for the guards to calm me down.

I was a fan of the euro disco group, Golden Boys , in 85. I wonder what happened to those two.


Everything other than
The Queen.
Not Helen Mirren! I meant my mother-in-law. Stuck up bitch.


Fans of, The Rather Late Programme

This character is the property of CBS. We are not apart of this. Made by People who find it funny and have developed a place for those who find the same segment/skits funny. It is alright to call Milla a horse but always throw her a cube of sugar and a hello. She is quite nice and likes flowers in her mane.

This profile is created and maintained by the same person who brought you Carl Jung And Cousin Philip AT myspace.


Female comedians with enough balls. NOT those kind of balls... Cool it Cecil, I did not find you another girlfriend.
An apology turned funny-just my way of apologizing. These 5 ladies trying to emulate comedians.
A couple ladies out there doing comedy(ex Ashlynn who I am fan of).
Ladies of comedy
And the gentlemen too
Oh and this writer.
Also Special thanks to the creator of the page and all you see before you. Of course myself


Oh BLAST! What a lie!
I like David Beckham. Those big legs of his. and tight bum bum. neeiiggh.

Featured Beckhams:

David Beckham


The Beckhams
