Native American, Nature and all their creations, Minerals and Crystals, Spiritual Development, Crop Circles, 2012, Music (especially Flute and Drum Music), Healing and Energy work, Reading, swimming, playing scrabble, Aura and Chakras, laughing, connecting with people, give somebody a smile on their face, stars and planets, Ancient Civilizations, Egypt, craft work of all kind
Different people from different countries and different background and cultures. People, who are open minded and honest, and who can also look outside the box. Spiritual people.And when it comes to known people, then it would be: George Clooney, Morgan Freeman, Jodie Foster, Denzel Washington, Graham Greene, Val Kilmer, Sean Connery, Tom Hanks, Al Gore and many others.
Nature sounds, Flute and drum music, Meditation and Relaxation Music, Music for Healing and Inspiration, good Rock Music, as long it is not Hard Rock. World Music. I cannot find anything in Rap or Techno music.
Lord of the rings, Incident in Oglala, Gone with the wind, On broken ice, Broken back Mountain, Thunder heart,
I am not watching that much TV. And if I watch, then it is something like: Planet Earth, or Documentaries about animals, nature or other cultures.
Lord of the rings, The Hobbit, The Secret, The Gaia Project 2012, Crop Circles books, Philadelphia project,
My husband, My Mom, my father, all my ancestors, my friends, Creator