The story of FADINGFRIEND begins in the small town of Kungsbacka (Gothenburg), Sweden, with Johannes, Kristofer and Olof in 2006 after they discontinued their rock band Splinter. Philip had been playing with Splinter when their bassplayer was on vacation, but his main instrument was guitar and the other members worked out well with him so they decided to try him out for the role of lead guitar player!At the start Johannes played bass, but it didnt really fit him. The other guys also wanted him to play acoustic guitar on some songs. After a couple of months FADINGFRIEND recruited Andreas (former bass player in sixthdaytheory) and he fit excellent in the role as FADINGFRIENDs new bass player!!In April-May 2007 FADINGFRIEND recorded four songs with the intention to book as many gigs as possible during the upcoming summer and fall.Now, in January 2008, FADINGFRIEND have had 11 successful gigs. Most of them during Q4 07. The goal this year is to do twice as many gigs as last year. During the spring FADINGFRIEND will record some new songs!CONSIDER - MUSIC VIDEO
GET US OUT - 2007-12-15