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In The Name of ALLAH, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
The Progress of the Boycott.
As we all know the campaign against Islam has gained greater momentum internationally. Alhumdolillah there are Muslims like yourselves who are in the thick of defending the honour of the Ummah, and campaigning for her rights. Naturally everyone one in the Ummah has his/her responsibility, however not all of us have the same abilities and circumstances. To that end a campaign has been devised to counterattack the current genocidal and malicious frenzy of the USA, one that Inshallah can include all Muslims as it does not require immense resources or even great levels of articulation.As we know the creed of the USA is Capitalsim, a system that favours the rich and exploits the poor through the Multinationals, World Bank and the IMF etc. This ideology has a lifeline, the economy. We as Muslims indirectly contribute to this unwittingly.
Subhanallah brothers and sisters like yourselves have shown us through your sincerity and tirelessness that we can make a difference. To that end a Global campaign is starting to Boycott
US goods. I have enclosed a copy of the leaflets that are to be distributed for this noble aim, I think it explains the aims and objectives quite clearly, should you wish to be a part of this we would be most grateful. It is our humble attempt to contribute to the cause of the Muslims worldwide.IMPORTANT INTERNET SITES: