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- In the first i want to introduce my self to you , im just a normal guy try to live a simple life with full of hopes and happness. My name is Ahmed and you see where iam from?!! My life divided to two parts , The first part of my life was in saudi arabia i was born there and live the first 17 years of my life there , it was beautiful life because we lived together whole family and all the memories of my childhood there , after dead of my mother we moved to our home -PALESTINE_GAZA_ i become alone without her :( and I wanted to move to here to live away from the pain caused by the death of my mother ..after that the troubles and problems begin untill now here. every day we says maybe tomorrow will be better than yasterday but i think we live inside big dream !! Life is very difficult here .. Since the border closed in June 2007 and so far is still closed.. Blockade destroyed everything here .. Destroyed my dream to travel .. Destroyed my dream of stability in a place better than the miserable life here .. But still I hope the demise of all these hardships and suffering that we see every day and every hour every minute.!! I had finished studying nursing in 2007 at a rate of very good, i work now in the hospital as a volunteer to help my people specially in these hell days . we need any one to give the helps to the people over here . In the same time i have course in the - FOREX TRADING - some time i work and train hard to get more experiance , its the esialy way to get the money but in the same time its very risk to lose your money, its need money to open an account then begin the trade work! any way after i get out from here to find life better then this life i'll get the money then open real account to work hard , after than i'll be like Bellgets :P So thats what i learned! Also i work for my crew " Camps Breakerz " which start at 2004 after we make it me and my partner Mohammed , we suffer to built it cuz we were alone without any helps without any provide from any one until now , but we never give up , actuly i consedir our crew are the best in the world becouse there is no we built it alone without the main fundementals in the breackdance , we just teach our selves by our selves . so one day after i change this life to the best every body will see who we are ! I have to much to talk about but i think thats enough , so any one want to know or to talk i say to him/her you wellcome any time , just knock my comments or my inbox. In the end i want every body know this sentence < FREE GAZA >SUPPORT GAZA AT LEAST BY SIMPLE WORD "stop the hell war"