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Nabeel Al Awadi

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Member Since: 28/04/2007
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Band Members:Salam Aleikum To All:Just to Clarify a few things let me start by saying that this account is made be me not Sheikh Nabeel Al Awadi. I made this account in order to spread Sheikh Nabeel's beloved knowledge that Allah has blessed him with. Sheikh Nabeel has had a profound effect on my life and i wanted to share this with all those in need of Guidance like myself. Being Born In America and raised here you tend to sometimes take for Granted of Your Muslim Faith and My Palestianian Heritage. Allah has blessed this ummah with the wonderful righteous scholar. May Allah Perserve Him inshallah and Protect Him. May Allah allow us to bennifit from this Knowledge and Continue to use us in order to spread his Deen and Guide other as well. It's Allah that Guides the hearts and put's the Nur of islam in the hearts we are just tool for Allah to use us in his path.Make Dua for all the Muslims inshallah.Salam aleikum wa rahmat allahi wa barakatuh
Influences: Islamic Revival in our age..Muslims over the years have disobeyed their lord with thought that Allah Would never Forgive Them.. Many have even said that they are going to hell without even knowing that Allah will forgive All their Sins No matter how Great they are or how small they maybe. Allah Forgives All except associating partners with Allah..All you have to do is Say Oh Allah I seek forgiveness From You. Oh Allah forgive me for all that i have done. Oh Allah Guide me as you see fit. Oh Allah Guide Me to the straight Path..You Will be forgiven Just Ask for Forgiveness. NO matter who you are or what u may have done Allah will forgive you..Yes i am talking to you. Even if you continue in sin just ask forgiveness from it for one day you just might give up that sin and be guided.May Allah Guide YOu and I to the true Path of Islam..

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My Blog

(9'E) 'D,G'/ AJ 3(JD 'DDG!

..DF *0G( /E'! 'DAD37JFJJF G/1'.. DF *E1 G0G 'D,1JE) C:J1G' (D 3**:J1 'EH1 C+J1) AJ B6J) 'D51'9 'D'3D'EJ 'D5GJHFJ HD' (/ EF 'F JCHF 'D*:JJ1 9DI B/1 G0G 'D,1JE) H'D' AF-F 'E) (EJ*)).-1 'D9/H 'D5GJHFJ...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Jan 2009 16:34:00 GMT

Why doesn’t allah answer MY duas ?

Why doesn't allah answer our duas ?Answer: Praise be to Allaah. Imaam Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: "Du'aa's and ta'awwudhaat [prayers seeking refuge with Allaah] are like a weapo...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 14:01:00 GMT

Sad story Nabeel Al Awadi

Check out this video: sad story Add to My Profile | More Videos
Posted by on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 06:01:00 GMT

Reciting surat Al Kahf on Friday

Reciting surat Al Kahf on Friday The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: 'Whoever reads Soorat al-Kahf on the day of Jumu'ah, a light will shine for him from beneath ...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 16:37:00 GMT

Today's Jummah Lesson!!!

Salam Aleikum, As I went to Jummah today and sat down and the beloved sheikh mentioned an situation in which abu massood(ra) was on his death bead during the time of Khalifah Othman ibn Afan(ra). He M...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 15:36:00 GMT