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Hot Lips

Hot (sounds from you) Lips

About Me

//////////////////////////////////////////// The band was formed in the end of the year 2006, when Evandro and Giordano were talking about their old work playing together in the same band, they noticed that their work was very good and that they really need to play again to do more own songs, they called Fernando, a friend that had already played with then, and Juliano, that had played with Evandro sometimes. After some weeks Fernando decided to stop playing in the band to dedicate himself to another project. And Juliano is actually out of the band, but the band substitutes him with Rafael, a friend that plays the drums. So with Evandro in the vocals, guitars and piano, and writing the song lyrics, Giordano playing his crazy sweet bass, and Rafael with his majestic drums, the band plays their own compositions. And it’s good to know that the first demo, the music Sunshine, is playing in the radio.////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////// A banda foi formada no final de 2006, quando Evandro e Giordano conversavam sobre os velhos trabalhos deles em mesmas bandas, e notaram que seu trabalho tinha uma ótima qualidade, e que precisavam botar suas criações em pratica novamente, chamaram seu antigo companheiro de banda Fernando, e Juliano para participar da banda, mas Fernando saiu da banda para se dedicar a outros projetos, e Juliano se afastou temporariamente, deixando lugar para Rafael, um amigo baterista da banda, substituí-lo quando necessário,. Então com Evandro nos vocais, guitarras e pianos, Giordano no baixo, e Rafael quebrando o galho na batera, a banda gravou sua primeira música demo, que já está tocando em rádio, a música Sunshine.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/19/2007
Band Members: Evandro Vedovelli (Vocals, guitar/piano)Giordano (Bass, backing vocals)Rafael (Drums)
Influences: James Brown, Funkadelic, George Clinton, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Beach Boys, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Maroon 5, Spin Doctors, Sugar Ray, Scissor Sisters, Matchbox 20, Snow Patrol, Tim Maia, Seu Jorge, Cazuza, New Radicals, Joss Stone, The Kooks, Santana, Gregg Alexander, Jamiroquai, Oasis, Blur, Echo & The Bunnymen, Norah Jones, The White Stripes, Gnarls Barkley, David Bowie, Victor Wooten, Aerosmith, Mick Jagger, Ben Harper, Kid Rock, Marvin Gaye, Jack Johnson, Pearl Jam, Dire Straits, Elton John, Faith No More, The Little Willies, Living Colour, Foo Fighters, Supergrass, Cake, Jeff Buckley, Danielle Brisebois, Diana Ross, Audioslave, Placebo, Silverchair, Jimmy Hendrix, Madonna, Lilly Allen, Michael Jackson, Steppenwolf, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Sheryl Crow, Take That.You are now marked on my visitor map!

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Sounds Like: Hot Lips
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Hot Lips

Hot sounds from your LipsFlowing in the airBeating like the wavesCrashing in the beachYou can feel the touchIn the love hot lips...
Posted by Hot Lips on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 06:39:00 PST

Warm Morning

MorningHi, I am here at 06:21 and i have just finished do record a acustic new demo song called "Morning". I really like this song, it's very soft, I think it floats, and to me seens a little yellow, ...
Posted by Hot Lips on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 06:38:00 PST