kevin profile picture


we will go on roadtrips handing out scholarships and realize we're not equipped for a partnership or

About Me

"In searching out the truth be ready for the unexpected, for it is difficult to find and puzzling when you find it."

"All the unhappiness of man stems from one thing only: that he is incapable of staying quietly in his room."

"I looked at my watch, i looked at my wrist, i punched myself in my face with my fist."
-Bob Dylan

My Interests

charts, graphs, flags, permanent elimination of the 60 cycle hum. i really really really really like psychedelic stuff. VERY psychedelic. Surreal. not like grateful dead hippie dippie tie die crap. pictures, music, clothes, movies, all that stuff - psychedelic. hit me with some naked melting purple ladies with long hair an' shit wearing a thousand miniature vaccuum cleaners for belts and telephone shaped pillows for hats. magritte's, dali's... you know. that's what i'm about.
i'll change my mind tomorrow.

I'd like to meet:

someone with a time machine. or a teleporter. or both.
girls with insatiable urges to buy me socks (black). i guess it doesn't have to be girls, but guys buying me socks seems kinda weird.


the monks, john cale's Paris 1919, the chameleons, six by seven, sabbath, marvin, dylan, the boss, the furs, shoegazerishishish. the more delay, the better. and sad songs. i like a lot of those.


poopy chase in the oddy control room
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thursday night comedy in Rockdorm Apt. 2
baseball. yes, really.


"everything is pouring in, the switching moves of boxcars in that little alley which is so much like the alleys of Lowell and I hear far off in the sense of coming night that engine calling our mountains.
But it was that beautiful cut of clouds I could always see above the little S.P. Alley, puffs floating by from Oakland or the Gate of Marin to the north of San Jose south, the clarity of Cal to break your heart. It was the fantastic drowse and drum hum of lum lum afternoon nothing' to do...”


Grizz, Dot Com

My Blog

i watched the buddy holly story (again)

while i laid around in bed recovering from last night/morning/afternoon - but this time i turned it off before the end.   i liked it better that way.gotta love the pre-jesus busey....
Posted by every FRICKIN' day on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 08:56:00 PST

i spent the morning listening to Led Zeppelin

and it was good like it was in high school.  I am not ashamed.I think i liked Presence more this time around and Physical Graffiti less.But III is still the shit, and always will be.And if you ca...
Posted by every FRICKIN' day on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 11:48:00 PST

on Six.By Seven

Six.By Seven is the reason i get out of bed. They are the band i want everyone to love. The are the Wyld Stallyns of the new millenium! Their music will align the planets and bring universal peace and...
Posted by every FRICKIN' day on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 12:30:00 PST

The problem with Jim Morrison

is he's no Iggy Pop.He could shake and wag it, but deep down he was an actor, faking his insanity.  I've met a few people like that.Now Iggy - he's the man.  All ripped and  bleeding an...
Posted by every FRICKIN' day on Sun, 21 May 2006 03:22:00 PST

eveybody knows this is nowhere aka Busty Anal Amatuer Gangbang

i think neil young was trying to tell me something. .. i did the ol' cut-n-paste with the lyrics, but it seemed a bit extra cheesy to do that... It sounds good in your head, but it's no dylan when typ...
Posted by every FRICKIN' day on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 06:44:00 PST

who will it be?

Posted by every FRICKIN' day on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 03:37:00 PST

apparently i'm a giant

and i have too much time.      You are the Giant.  You're mysterious, benevolent, and spooky as all get-out.  Though you're extremely wise, your cryptic demeanor unnerves...
Posted by every FRICKIN' day on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 11:03:00 PST

Seventy-five million years ago, I was the ruler of a Galactic Confederacy

...which consisted of 26 stars and 76 planets including Earth, which was then known as Teegeeack. The planets were overpopulated, each having on average 178 billion people. The Galactic Confederacy's ...
Posted by every FRICKIN' day on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 11:29:00 PST

all i wanna do

    is drink beer for breakfast.  hallefuckinlujia.that's what music is all aboutuntil we turn blue.
Posted by every FRICKIN' day on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 05:05:00 PST

when i took this picture

    he said, "are you going to put that on myspace?"so, steve, here it is:...
Posted by every FRICKIN' day on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 11:48:00 PST