I'm a 38 year old t-shirt and jeans kind a girl with 2 awesome kids. I have a daughter that is 15 yrs old and a son that is 9 Yrs old. They have stuck with me through thick and thin as well as the rest of my family. Let me tell you I have been handed my share of trials and Thanks to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ not only have I gotten through them but so has my family. I used to live my life to the fullest and to an extent that led me to a life of addiction until I met Jesus Christ. My life has never been the same. Now I live my life to the fullest for Jesus. The journey with Him can get a little difficult b/c we want to do things the easy way but with Jesus you can do anything b/c He strengthens you. Before it used to be all about me,me, me and now I know it isn't all about me but about Him and bringing others to His kingdom. That is one of my main reasons for starting this page. It's all about ministry to me. Churches,pastors,prophets,disciples,music, whatever the ministry...someone needs to be ministered to. I thought we all come from different backgrounds and even though we are all different we are all the same and we all need to be ministered to and where one ministry might minister to one person another may need a different ministry to minister to them. I know that we all need to be ministered to from time to time that is another reason for this page. No one person is a worse sinner than the next person. No sin is bigger than the other. SIN IS SIN! I want anyone to feel free to stop by and leave a message, comment, whatever it may be but this is a Christian site for ministry...SO PLEASE KEEP IT CHRIST-LIKE and let's learn from one another and keep on pressing on to be just that Christ-like! I AM NOT HERE TO JUDGE ANYONE THAT IS NOT FOR ME TO DO! I HOPE YOU WON'T JUDGE ME EITHER! THANKS FOR STOPPING BY!I just want everyone to know that this page is for friends,fellowshipping and networking. I like to change my TOP FRIENDS every week or so, so that everyone gets a chance to be viewed. It's hard to get to everyone so please be patient and understand that there is only one of me and over 400 of you. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR FRIENDSHIP AND PATIENCE! AGAPE LOVE!
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