JOEL 2:28 I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy,your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.
ISAIAH 21:8 My Lord, I stand continually upon the watchtower in the daytime, and I am set in my ward whole nights.
Greetings everyone! The Lord has informed me to warn the people for what is coming and to prepare for it! I must deliver His message so that the blood isn't on my hands when the current judgements the Lord is sending come crashing down on America and the rest of the world. The Lord has been informing me to release some vital information for all of you. I’ve been told to warn everyone to get prepared for what about is to take place over time. This is what I do as a Watchman on the Wall, to warn the people of what the Lord has been saying and what He is about to do with his righteous sword of judgement.
God has a four fold judgement to punish the land that the sinful people live in. A first judgment will be evil spirits or beasts, which are occuring right now as desperate people do desperate things as these evil spirits are released and then enter the souls of people and make them very wicked. A second judgement is drought and famine. There will be an increase in drought and fires and famine will follow soon after. A third judgement is pestilence, which is sickness and viruses. Right now we are seeing an increase in pestilence as the swine flu has hit the scene with no mercy! God will permit it to happen to punish the land for its sins. The fourth judgement of the four fold is the sword, which is war. This usually is the last judgement. So war will breakout in the future. Prepare now for the pestilence of swine flu! It could be quite a killer and the first of many harsh judgements coming to the land.
So why is all this tragic financial disaster occurring worldwide along with other calamities? The remaining blame is the people that live in America primarily and the rest of the world, for not repenting of their sins! It all started as a warning back on 9-11-01. I screamed from the rooftops and WARNED everyone last spring in 2008 that the
Almighty God has put America and the world on a seven year cycle to repent of their sins or else! I posted it right here on my page that when September of 2008 rolled along that the seven years of repentence for sins would end. God works in seven year cycles and when this cycle ended, his righteous judgement would start on America and the rest of the world! So between 9-11-01 through 9-11-08 America and the rest of the world would not repent of their sins and turn to God. He is a righteous God that would have healed
our land and would have continued to bless America. But America and the rest of the world just ignored the Almighty One. So almost to the day when the seven year cycle of repentence ended on 9-11-08, God then WITHDREW His protection from America and the rest of the world and His righteous judgements started to fall on the land! From mid September of 2008 until the end of November of 2008, the stock market tanked and many people lost their idols of money, cars, homes, boats, retirement funds, 401K plans, life insurance and other idols. In all, over 15 trillion dollars were lost within two months!To seal that it was God's judgement for idol worshipping material possessions, God put His blueprint signature of minus 777
points when the market crashed that day just 2 weeks after the 7 year repentence cycle ended! That is God's trinity number. It was another wake up call to repent. More intense judgements are coming that will be frightening to get everyone to repent. We are now in the "sorrows" that Jesus preached about in Matthew 24 and these sorrows will intensify over time as we near the tribulation. It is unfolding before your very eyes. That is why God crushed the idol of money in the stock market after 9-11-08.
God has now broken many wealthy people of their love for money and material possessions. God has told me this is just the start as "God Almighty" speaks out! "Tell the people Watchman 777 that the stench of their vile sins has reached my Holy Temple and now my righteous judgements will prevail. I will break America and the rest of the world for abandoning me! I am appalled at the killing of innocent children with over 4,000 abortions taken place daily. The abomination of same sex relationships and the marriage of man to man and woman to woman has angered me! The filth of pornography being rampant over the world and the internet has poisioned the minds of the little innocent ones and has broken up marriages which I detest! The greed for money for material possessions and power has corrupted my people and they have forgotten me, who was their first love! In the days of Noah, they ran around laughing and partying, and now today it is much worse as I look down in disgust! The drink of alcohol has ruined families and marriages. The use of drugs has corrupted the minds of many and destroyed their lives. There is NO holiness present in this age! The stench of your sins will have consequences. Therefore, I will smite the land with my Righteous Rod and curse the ground you walk on! Calamity willl bestow the land. I will send terror and mens hearts will fail as to what is to come. I willl send a famine and close the Heavens so it will not rain on your crops! I will send floods to other areas and wipe out your crops. I, Thee Almighty control the weather, not mother nature or global warming. I will shake the earth with tremors that will send terror within your black hearts", says the Lord.
The Lord continues on and says, "Then pestilence will enter the land and many will perish! Then the sword of my judgement will send war! I will let your enemies take over your country. Time after time, I have brought judgement to the land for my people who I created that turned their back on me! I patiently waited seven years for you to repent. Instead, you rebel even more! You people are wicked, therfore you will be punished. I lay my begotten Son down to perish for your sins so that you would have eternal life and offer you the bread of life, but you refuse to except my Son! Therefore, the sword of judgement is with you! For the precious ones who I call my own remnant, I willl give you rest. You have held steadfast to my commandments! Therefore, I will protect you under my wing and you shall hide within me for what is coming to the land! I will purge you during these days and you will be my Bride without spot and wrinkle awaiting for my Son the Bridegroom. I will always be with you to the end. Do not fall away and hang unto the promises I have told you. Your eternal destiny waits for you in my Kingdom. As for the others who won't repent from their wicked ways, darkness will fall and sorrows will increase as my judgements are justified on the land", says the Lord.
The Lord continues, "As for the backslidden church, your sins disgust me! You have given in to doctrones of demons! Therefore, I have sent you a DELUSION to believe a lie that you believe is the truth! You strayed away from the truth you once knew!
You have given in to witchcraft, sorcery, voodoo, astral projection, chanting and all kinds of actions I detest! The adultry and the wickedness I will not tolerate no more! You build your mega churches and give motivational speeches about yourself and do not worship me. You then corrupt the minds of my flock and fleece them of their money. Whoa, to you shepards, you false teachers! Your judgement is coming. I will knock down and destroy your mega churches! You then tell my flock not to worry. You do not preach to them about hell or holiness. Instead you tell them that they are going soon in the rapture! My church currently is in the worst state of sin ever! Do you think my Holy house is ready for a sin soaked church now? I tell you the truth, my church will remain here on the earth until they are refined without spot and wrinkle and will endure the sorrows to purge them. Many will fall away for believing this pre-tribulation rapture fable. This will be the great falling away. My remnant is currently preparing for the days ahead and I will guide them through it. You must walk with me as I am your only hope! I will show you the way. So I ask everyone who has an ear to let them hear and come back to me. I am a God of love and patience. But for those that do not fear me, I am a God of judgement! I will punish and smite your land with my Righteous Rod for your sins! The time is at hand. Repent, or face the judgement of my fury", says the Lord.
These are the words the Lord has spoken to me through the Holy Spirit as I tremble in fear. God never gives dates! So people I do not know the actual timing of these judgements the Lord has mentioned above? But fear the Lord! I agree with what the Lord has said about the backslidden church. There are many false teachers out there who idolize money over God. That includes most of those wolves on the TBN network and the rest of them who run the mega churches. They are fleecing the sheep of
their money and buying million dollar mansions, luxury cars, expensive jewelery, private planes and have
mountains of your cash! They preach nothing but a prosperity gospel that God wants you to be rich! When you give to them, you just might as well write the word
"sucker" with a black magic marker on your forehead! You make them wolves richer and yourselves poorer. The Lord has fed you a delusion to believe this prosperity lie and idolize money instead of God who wants you to feed the poor with your offering instead of these rich wolves in sheep's clothing who are deceiving you with their trickery!
They all preach about the pre-tribulation rapture to escape what is coming! They also been fed a delusion to believe a lie. I once even believed in this pre-tribulation delusion until the Lord woke me up and said to read the scriptures Jesus preached about in Revelation 24. We are now at Chapter 24 verse 8 and are experiencing intensifying sorrows. There is NO rapture mentioned between verses 8 and 9 here. Verse 9 says we will be delivered up and killed for the testimony of Jesus. The Bible says to endure to the end and you will be saved. The Lord tells the truth when He spoke about how the church was so backslidden and the worst state it has ever been in. How can God take such a small portion of true remnant believers from the earth presently and leave the vast majority of the backslidden church to perish in His wrath at the opening of the 7th seal? Instead God will purge His entire church through the current sorrows and some and if not most of the tribulation to get His church purified without spot and blemish. God is not going to leave them here on earth to perish through His wrath without giving them a chance to repent during the tribulation. There is only one rapture/resurrection for the just holy and the timing before the tribulation starts does not hold scripture. Many times the Bible says you will be raised up on the last day or the last trump. This scripture does not fit a pre-tribulation rapture theory. So Repent and join God's true remnant church who have an ear to hear and eyes to see what is coming to the land and prepare for what is coming.
From what God has spoken, great danger and calamity are coming to America and the world! The Lord did mention that the state of California will suffer the worst judgement of all because of her sins have outraged the Lord. So if you live in California, I would move if the Lord tells you to go! Please continue to read below as I give vital information to get prepared for the judgement of the Lord! This is not the time to be without God. If you perish during a judgement, you do not want to wake up in hell for eternity if you do not know the Lord and walk with Him now! This watchman is warning everyone to repent!
God loves you and wants you to repent and He will get you
through what is coming. I know what I said is harsh, but I will not sugar coat the danger that God told me that is coming to America! I will not have the blood on my hands! I'm sounding the alarm and warning people what is coming! I don't care if people say to me, "You talk doom and gloom,
quit scaring me and other people." I only care what God thinks of me. Get back to God people, time is running out! I have contacted other Watchmen and they have told me that the Lord has told them very similiar words and they have confirmed that God's judgement has started on America and the rest of the world. My mission is to save souls for the Lord and warn the people before it is too late. Please pray and come back to the Lord if you are backslidden or if you're a sinner, say the sinner's prayer here on my page and start a relationship with God. Time is short
and God is patient, but His patience is running out. Tell your friends and family to repent and lead them to my page here. Spread the word around and wake up your loved ones. God bless my friends and I will keep you posted on the latest. Keep reading below on how to prepare. I give out important information below on what to do NOW and to get ready. I also explain what caused these events so far that has happened. Peace and safety be with you as I blow the trumpet.
As I mentioned earlier, God's judgement on the land and the people has arrived. On black Monday, September 29th, 2008 the market CRASHED 777 points! This is the largest loss for any single day in history. Over 1.4 TRILLION dollars vaporized in just hours! It is simply surreal. Some huge banks are going to start failing soon. The experts say over 100 banks both large and small will fail by this time next year. You also need to be debt free as possible and be frugal with your lifestyle and cut back all unnecessary expenses! Be ready for the final plunge into the chaos of social unrest and revolution. Look for martial law to be established when riots and lawlessness breaks out! So be ready and prepare now.
For those of you that are in debt with mortgages, credit card debt, student loan debt, car loan debt and personal debt, well trouble will be on the horizon with severe consequences. Cling to God and ask for guidance on what to do. God wants His people to be debt free as possible. Most of us got into debt because of our personal idols that cost money. Living a very simple life in this day and age filled with blissful possessions that the flesh desires seems impossible. God has warned us about debt and these idols we have desired have sidetracked our walk with Him. The ones that obeyed His Word and led frugal and simple lifestyles focused on Him instead of fleshly desires are the ones who will survive this second coming of the greater depression! You see there are going to be thousands of people who won’t be able to pay their ARMS adjustable mortgages when the ecomony collapses and they will have no place to live! Plus all the other mortgages that are predicted to reset in 2009 will only create thousands of homeless people who will not be able to pay and will be forced to stay at these concentration camps. These tent cities will be like prison camps. This scenario will turn into a nightmare for many Americans who outlived their means by wanting the best of everything their flesh desired without being able to pay for it. The amount of DEBT in this country is incredible! Many unfortunate people will pay the price for the debt they created and will live in these FEMA homeless tent cities and some camps even have barb wire.
Very extreme times are coming upon us and we need to prepare NOW! Once the economy collapses, our enemy will have the perfect timing scenario to attack us. This will likely lead to an all out scaled attack by Jihad Islamic terrorists that will carry out nuclear attacks with suitcase bombs on our major cities that will cause mass chaos, great loss of life, homelessness, great despair and hopelessness in this country! You can read all about that at the top of my page on the left hand side. God has always allowed our enemies to take over our land because we have not repented of our sins! Therefore the curses in Leviticus chapter 26 and Deuteronomy 28 will take place in full force for our rebellion! California is in for extreme judgement for passing laws that are perverse and God is very angry! God is getting ready to judge California, so if you live there, be prepared to move if the spirit tells you to.
So what should you do NOW to prepare for the collapse of our economy? First thing you need to do is get to the bank and withdraw some emergency money. Get 1's, 5's 10's and 20's, all small bills. At least a grand if you have it. You will definitely need it! Some banks will close for a while and some will go bankrupt when the economy crashes. People will panic because they can’t get their money out of the banks and all the ATM machines will be cashed out! Then you are in trouble! Credit cards and personal checks could be useless during this time. How can you write a personal check and expect it to be of any VALUE if the bank that holds the funds has gone bankrupt or is closed? You better have a BANK ROLL of CASH to survive during this time!
You will need CASH to buy food, water, gas, medicine, toiletries and clothes if needed if your lucky enough to find a store open that has supplies left. But the IMPORTANT FACTOR is to BUY supplies right now! WHY? Because you will get MORE for your money because as time goes on, our dollar will decrease in value which means it will cost you MORE for these emergency supplies that you will be greatly in need of! People will be swarming grocery stores as soon as it happens and clean out everything before you get a chance to get these vital emergency supplies yourself! Riots will break out! You might have the money but there will be no place to find food, water, gas, medicines and toiletries. That’s why it is important to stock up NOW while you have the time! If you believe that this can’t possibly happen, then you are not paying attention to the current deteriorating condition in our economy and the judgement God is sending to America and the rest of the world!
The second coming of the greater depression is here! People are losing their jobs, their life savings in stocks and bonds and even their homes from upside down mortgages! Coming soon will be more judgements on the land. God has made me a watchman to warn the public and especially His people of this upcoming economic and financial disaster.
What is happening is JUDGEMENT on America for its sins and not repenting to the God who gave America the land of the milk and honey for this Gentile nation through Abraham descendents, just as God gave the Jewish people the land of Israel as their milk and honey. We were the two countries that God loved and blessed and were the apple of God's eye. But since America has stripped the Ten Commandments out of the courthouses and schools and all the other vile sins against God, He has now removed His PROTECTION from us! But first He will break our economy and drop America to its knees! God is fed up with the sins! America is out of control. It has sunk to an all time low of immorality!
The problem with most Americans is that they are NOT content on what God has given them! They want MORE! Why purchase a huge luxury home that seems impossible to afford? If everyone would humble themselves and realize that they can only afford a small home within their budget, perhaps they would not be in this financial mess that they have created? Why purchase a NEW luxury car when it seems impossible to afford it? Why not buy a used much older car to drive around that is far less expensive? Could it be pride or shame wondering what others might say or think? Who cares what they think! A car is only transportation that gets you from point A to point B right? It is just a vehicle that should be used only as a necessity and NOT a luxury! These two examples are the MAIN two reasons why the economy is the way it is currently! Our love of money to have the very BEST has been America and the rest of the world’s downfall. Our love for the GREENBACK has destroyed us! So how do we get ourselves out of this financial DEBT? The fact is, it is TOO LATE!
Then we have the love of our CREDIT CARDS that America has abused! If everyone just had ONE credit card and used it for emergencies only, America would not be in MILLIONS of debt as we currently are! The credit card is devil’s playground! With our love for compulsive and foolish buying of material possessions that we cannot possibly afford, we have been PIERCED by the devil’s pitchfork! If you cannot simply afford it, why BUY it and risk the consequences? The fact of the matter is our own irresponsible flesh has overtaken our spiritual minds that we have forgot what God had said! A fool and his money are soon parted! We have gone astray from God’s moral values. We indulged ourselves in all of our expensive toys with our phony useless plastic credit cards, that we are now BLINDED to the TRUTH as to what is about to happen to America and the rest of the world! Our credit cards have DOOMED us along with our LOVE for money!
For the wise ones who have honored God and put Him FIRST in their lives, they are the BLESSED ones that will SURVIVE alot better during the second greater depression that has spread its dark cloud over the world and ENGULF it! God's remnant may NOT live in expensive luxury homes, or drive fancy new expensive cars like the mega church wolves, or have a multitude of material possessions, but they are the blessed ones that God will honor, protect and hide under His wing through these terrible and horrendous times that are just around the corner! They have made God their IDOL by separating themselves from this world, instead of the rest of the world who has lusted for riches and great wealth! Therefore, God has had enough and He will break down the rich and haughty and they will suffer greatly! The poor will inherit the earth!
Wake up church! You are in this world, but Jesus said NOT to be a part of this world and the desires of the flesh with money, material things and power! Therefore the church is ensnared with this world as mentioned in Luke 21:34. Church separate yourself from this world and seek God! That is the PLAIN TRUTH! God’s true REMNANT is separated from the mainstream churches. We constantly study Bible prophecy and we do not care about this world and the things in it! Our only FOCUS is God’s Kingdom! That is God’s REAL church that He is looking for here. It’s all about Luke 10:27 as Jesus explains. He answered: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and, Love your neighbor as yourself.†Get yourself right with God! Jesus said, If you love me you will KEEP my commandments! He has sent His watchman 777 to warn you to repent as the blood will not be on my hands as I have warned you what is to come. Peace and safety, I pray for you.
I pray in Jesus name that America and the backslidden church comes to repentance of their sins and turn to God to protect them through these upcoming perilous times ahead. This country has sank to an all time low of immorality that sickens God. Our leaders of this country have chased God's commandments out of the courthouses and schools and have passed laws that were abominations to the Lord! What can you expect when this country has ran God out of their lives? God will send punishments of judgements to America for these immoral actions and His protection over America will be no more!
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