Buster & Charlie profile picture

Buster & Charlie

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi! I'm Buster, the cutie-pa-tootie one. I am part Jack Russell Terrier and part Feist. I am the busy body! I love running back and forth in my pen all day barking at squirrels! It drives my younger brother, Charlie, crazy! Speaking of Charlie, he only barks at strangers, other dogs and cats. The squirrels don't seem to bother him much. We both love our Mama dearly! Mama tries to spend as much time with us as she can. She's a real busy lady but she's doing the best she can for us! Dad's pretty good to us, too. We love it when Mama and Dad take us for walks!!! Well, gotta go! It's time for supper!!!
Hi! I'm Charlie, the handsome one!! I am part husky and part lab. Mama and Dad rescued me and my 12 brothers and sisters one rainy, stormy, cold night. They made sure that all of my siblings had a good home but I was Mama's favorite out of the whole gang. So, I got to live with them! I love my step-brother, Buster, but that constant barking at squirrels all day long is really getting annoying! One of these days, I'm going to really give him something to bark about!! I like to say "Mama". For some reason, Mama is so fascinated and thrilled when I say it. Dad didn't believe it until he heard it, too. Now he just shakes his head and laughs. Buster tries to say "Mama", too but all he's been able to do so far is howl like a coyote. Well, I see Dad in the kitchen fixing our supper. Gotta go now! Time to eat!!

My Interests

We love eating Milk Bones!!! I love barking at squirrels all day long! Charlie just loves watching over the place and making sure everything's alright. We love going to Do-Dah-Day and seeing all of our friends!div style="visibility:visible;"

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Who Let The Dogs Out?!!!


Eight Below, All Dogs Go To Heaven, Turner and Hooch, Beethoven, My Dog Skip, Benji, Rin-Tin-Tin, Homeward Bound. Oh, and have you seen the movie "Kujo"?! Bad dog!!


Animal Planet


Old Yeller

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Mama and Daddy, Police dogs, seeing eye dogs, and all animal rescuers.

My Blog

Another Adventure!!

Late yesterday evening, a big thunder boomer came up!  It was lightning all around us!  Mama and Daddy weren't home yet and we got scared!  So, I, (Charlie), forced the gate open and Bu...
Posted by Buster & Charlie on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 03:37:00 PST

Baby Squirrels Got Down The Chimney & In the Fireplace

I'm sure a lot of you have seen our pics from when a squirrel got down the chimney and came in the house through the fireplace?  Well, it happened again!  Except this time it was two baby sq...
Posted by Buster & Charlie on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 05:11:00 PST

We’ve Been Tagged by Sasha!

Please copy the text and put it into a blog comment, and fill it out! It's FUN!!1. Who are you?  We are Buster & Charlie2. Are we friends?  But, of course!!3. When and how did we meet?&n...
Posted by Buster & Charlie on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 02:23:00 PST

Weve Been Tagged!!

We've been tagged by Abby, Missy & Ren!   We have posted ten things about us, now you have to do the same and tag ten of your friends. Please leave your friends a comment letting them kn...
Posted by Buster & Charlie on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 06:44:00 PST

I Was A Bad Boy Today!

I, Buster that is, was a bad boy today.  Mama was very mad, too!  First I got off of the leash and took off running up the street!  Boy, did I have an adventure!  I ran up to the c...
Posted by Buster & Charlie on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 11:03:00 PST