Sailor profile picture


This whole world is wild at heart and weird on top

About Me

Hey, I'm Sailor & I'm a Jack Russell Terror (which is an Awesome type of DOG for you 2 leggers). I was named after a character in my mom's favorite movie Wild At Heart. As Sailor Ripley says in the movie that his snakeskin jacket represents a symbol of his individuality and belief in personal freedom - I represent that for my mom and that is how I came to be hers.I have 3 brothers, Max, Raider & Deuce and 1 sister Harri, although Max is the only littermate I'm close to. He is my bestest friend.I'm the handsomest boy in the world (my mom says). I really enjoy agility and tricks. My my mom has been getting me into more 'instinctual' activites like go-to-ground, racing & lure coursing. I am starting to attend Earth Dog College & learning what 'Rats' are! Gotta get em! Here's a sample of one of my tricks: (I rock, as well as being super cute!!)

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My Interests

SNACKS, tricks, agility, bones, racing/running, chasing my bro, showing off, clowning around and chillin with my homies. You can find more info at
Animal Survey (Survey for the Animals of Myspace)
About You...
what type of animal are you? Dog
what breed? Jack Russell/Toy Fox Terrier
what color fur / feathers? white w/brown head & black spots
what color eyes? bright brown
when is your birthday? July 8, 2004 - I first out!
how old are you? 3
how much do you weigh? 19 lbs
do you have any siblings? bro's Max, Deuce, Raider, Echo & 1 sis Harri
do you have to wear silly clothes? sometimes when my mom thinks it's funny
do you enjoy wearing said silly clothes? no way, unless it gets me attention
whats your favorite toy? anything I can eat
do you work Or go to work with your mommy / daddy? yep, every day with mom
what color harness / collar and leash do you have? red collar/leash w/white bones
what color dinner dishes? blue & white
This / That
Petco / Petsmart Petco
Iams / Science Diet neither - food recall
tug of war / fetch tug
ocean / lake ocean
car ride / walk RUN!
dog park / playing alone with your family depends on my mood
your own doggy bed / mommy or daddys bed BOTH
tv on / off when your mommy or daddy leave you alone on, I like to watch Wrestling
pig ears / hooves Vegan - definately no pork
biscuits / bones ALL


I'd like to meet:

Any Terrors out there! I get along best with pals my real size & especially other JRT's. I like nice people. I like all girls - and guys that are like girls (you know). I don't like scary people, poodles and people in uniform and my therapist says that's perfectly ok.


Dead Milkmen, Doggy Style, Brian Jonestown Massacre


Everybody Poops, Jack Russell Terries for Dummies ..


Duchess Goo, Blue collar workers, Uncle Steven, Uncle Mike & Uncle Bradley

My Blog

I'm 3 today!!! (7-8-07)

Hi All of my furr friends! I just wanted to say Thank you to everyone that has dropped by wishing me a Happy Birthday.  It means so much to me that I have so many friends that wish me well. ...
Posted by Sailor on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 10:35:00 PST

Some kitties are jerks

K, so I usually like kitties. They look like funny looking little puppies and I just want to play with them. Especially when they fluff out and arch their backs all crazy!!So there's this one kitty ...
Posted by Sailor on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 06:17:00 PST

I'm a murderer!

I was hunting gophers today and I finally caught one!!!  So here's my hunting tactic:  I watch from afar, and once that sucker pops his head out, I pounce!  Most of the time, they slip back into their...
Posted by Sailor on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 09:11:00 PST

No Vaccines - Take the Titer Test!

So I went to get my yearly checkup at my regular vet - everything looked good - no worries!  Mom told the vet that my Holistic doctor said absolutely no vaccinations right now.  I was due fo...
Posted by Sailor on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 07:28:00 PST

I almost got a baby sister!

Mom went with her friend to the Humane Society because her friend wanted a cat.  So, of course, mom went to look at the dogs and there was a sweet little fox terrier named Roxie.  She was ju...
Posted by Sailor on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 07:54:00 PST

I went to the beach!!!

In San Francisco, there is a group that meets every Saturday for a Small Dog Beach Walk - and my mom took me!!!  For one, I LOVE the beach!!  For two, it was for small dogs only (under 20 lbs, which I...
Posted by Sailor on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 05:48:00 PST

"Safer Vaccinations for Companion Animals"

Dear Friends, As some of you may know, I have been having adverse reactions to the Rabies vaccination, and as a result may have to have the tips of my ears cropped. The root problem is that they give ...
Posted by Sailor on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 10:42:00 PST

My MOVIE: Lick O Matic

This is how I roll...Mom found a movie of me at my jobsite with auntmanda & Uncle E. This is pretty much a typical day at work.  Mom says when she comes back to this world, she wants to come ...
Posted by Sailor on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 03:59:00 PST

I've been tagged!!!!

I've been tagged!!!!! The first player of this game starts with the five weird habits or things about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own about five odd habits and thing...
Posted by Sailor on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 07:36:00 PST

More results in from holistic vet!

So, it seems that there is some controversy in the vet world about the Rabies vaccination.  They give the same shot to 10lb dogs as they do 100lb dogs.  This seems like a weird thing, since ...
Posted by Sailor on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 03:47:00 PST