4ever21young remembers 9-11 profile picture

4ever21young remembers 9-11

You Can't See Me!!!!!

About Me

Well, let's see here...I'm a married woman and a mother of 2 wonderful, yet annoying children..My daughter is 22 and my son is 20. I have a very beautiful granddaughter who is 3..I've been married for almost 25 years to my wonderful husband, george..I currently work for the schools..My favorite Color is purple, I love dogs...Golden Retrievers are my favorite. I work with a golden rescue group trying to find homes for these "wonderful" animals, you can view their site by going to www.goldentreasuresrescue.org. I'm pretty easy to get along with..If you wanna know more, just ask.

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My Interests

Sleeping (just wish I could), music, dogs, my granddaughter and traveling

I'd like to meet:

William Petersen (Gil Grissom on CSI), a millionaire and that one person from that one place that does that one thing you know who i'm talking about...and Ozzy Osbourne!! And the Moody Blues. would especially like to meet dog lovers and animal lovers.


Aerosmith, Moody Blues, Ozzy Osbourne, nickelback, the doors, AC/DC, 3 doors down, The Who, Soul Asylum, Concrete Blonde, Green Day,Pink Floyd, That's just to name a few..there's too many to mention them all.


Scooby Doo, all the Air Bud movies, Havent really watched too many movies
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ER and CSI,the travel channel and sometimes I like to watch House


I like books by James Patterson, Stewart Woods, John Grisham, Anne Rule, Jeffery Deaver, Iris Johanson, and books with lots of pictures...just kidding there but I do like to read Winnie the Pooh to my granddaughter!


ME!!!!!! and George Jetson and Nikki, almost forgot Scooby Doo!!!! But in all seriousness, my real heroes are the soldiers/veterans, firefighters, and cops in the world!! You gotta love them for what they do to protect us from the idiots in the world(which by the way there are far too many of)!!!!!!!!!!

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My Blog

tagged again...thanks Jade ;)

I am tagged again... ;O) If I tagged you, please create a blog and list 6 things about yourself that not many others know about you. At the end of your blog, choose 6 friends to get tagged and li...
Posted by 4ever21young remembers 9-11 on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 12:00:00 PST

Ellie’s happily ever after story

just wanted to let everyone know that Ellie's "happily ever after" story has finally made it to our rescue groups site.  if you are interested in reading it go........ http://www.goldentreasuresr...
Posted by 4ever21young remembers 9-11 on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 04:07:00 PST

Ellie’s story written by Ellie

Hello everyone.  My name is Ellie and this is my story as best as I can remember it.    It all started about 3 years ago.  Unfortunately, the very first part of my life is a bit o...
Posted by 4ever21young remembers 9-11 on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 10:33:00 PST

new family member

well, it is official......Ellie is now a permanent member of my family!!!!!  this is her 4ever home!  i can't tell you how happy we all are.  it is my firm belief that now Ellie will se...
Posted by 4ever21young remembers 9-11 on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 12:01:00 PST

tagged again-thnx Abby & Maddie

So this is how it works:Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write about their 8 things as well as post the rules.  At the end of your blo...
Posted by 4ever21young remembers 9-11 on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 03:39:00 PST

need advice

i have been having a terrible time as of late as some of you are aware.  i am in a situation that i'm just not sure what to do.  here's what's happening and anyone that has some advice, i wo...
Posted by 4ever21young remembers 9-11 on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 06:39:00 PST

peace and quiet

it had been so long since the last time i had the house to myself, i had forgotten just how wonderful total peace and quiet was.  even though the silence only lasted about 2 hours, it was wonderf...
Posted by 4ever21young remembers 9-11 on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 04:23:00 PST


cruisng is a lot of things....it's fun, interesting, informative, but most of all it's what you make of it.  just be aware that even if you don't normally get motion sick, you just might on a cru...
Posted by 4ever21young remembers 9-11 on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 04:29:00 PST


ok, since Spencer was sooo wonderful to tag me, here goes.  6 things you don't know about me (Sassy) I love to sleep on my back, paws in the air. I don't chase tennis balls I don't really play wi...
Posted by 4ever21young remembers 9-11 on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 12:02:00 PST

top friends

i want to THANK each and everyone of you for being my friend.  i have made a lot of wonderful friends here.  am sitting here wishing i could post you all as my top friends but they won't let...
Posted by 4ever21young remembers 9-11 on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 04:32:00 PST