Dekota & Yukon We Love you Dokken RIP! profile picture

Dekota & Yukon We Love you Dokken RIP!

I am here for Friends

About Me

[ - *Glitter Words*]My name is Dekota and I am a Chocolate Labrador Retriever. I am 4 years old. Some of my nicknames are Kote, Koda and my mommy calls me Sweetie! I have a new nickname that two of my friends on here call me, "Big D". I like it because it makes me sound manly. Now my daddy is calling me that! I have a brother Yukon who is Yellow and he will tell you about himself below. We also live with 4 cats! I like to chase a couple of them. We also have a human older brother, Nick. I just adore him, he is the greatest. My brother Yukon and I have been quite a handful since we came to live with our human mom and dad. Trust me when I tell you not to believe everything Yukon tells you about me. Sometimes he tells stories. I am pleasantly plump and very lovable. I hunt pheasants with my Dad. There is a picture of us on my picture page of us with the pheasants I got. Yukon and I both went to obedience training when we were 4 months old. Of course, Yukon had to show me up and do everything it was we were told to do. I on the other hand just hung out checking out the hot puppies. This was before we were fixed and girls were a hot item on my list. Now, I still like girls, but the desire just isn't there anymore. I have a tattoo with my lifetime license number, my name and a picture of a mouse head. That's another story about the mouse head, but it's a secret. We have this really big fenced in yard that we play in. We have been a little destructive since we came here. The new hot tub cover, gone! Part of Dad's 4-wheeler, replaced! The couch they bought us (used) to lie on, gone! Toys, destroyed and replaced! The list goes on, but those are what I remember!
[ - *Glitter Words*]My name is Yukon and I am Dekota's brother and I am also 4. My nicknames are Yukonner and my mommy calls me Honey! I don't tell stories about him, I tell the truth. He is such a mommy's boy and follows her everywhere, yes even to the bathroom! The secret about the mouse head, well guess what, it won't be a secret anymore because I'm going to tell you about it. When Dekota was about 4-5 months old, mom bought us some stuffed toys and one of them was a purple mouse that had a protruding nose and Dekota started to suck on the nose. He is now 3 years old and he still sucks on the nose. That is his binky at night when we go to bed. There I am trying to sleep and I hear him sucking on this mouse. If we are in another part of the house and he is getting tired, here he comes with the mouse in his mouth and he lies down and starts sucking. I call him the "nipple baby". Every chance I got, I tried to break him of this and destroyed them. Only problem was, mom has a supply of them in the closet. She has even sewn them back together. We go in the car, the mouse goes, we go to the vet, the mouse goes. It's been a tough job trying to raise him right and to be manly! There is a picture of him on our picture page with his mouse! My tattoo is a bear paw and trust me there are no secrets there. Like Dekota said, I did very well at training and I still know everything I learned. I don't think he does because I don't think there is anything upstairs for it to sink in! We do get along very well and I don't like it if he goes somewhere and I don't. We have never been separated and I've heard my mom telling our dad, we should have separated them when they were little. Well it's too late now! I've trained for hunting pheasants, but my obedient side of me says don't leave his side so I'm not as good as Dekota, but my dad is still working with me. Please check out our pictures to see what a handsome bunch we are! Dekota and I were raised with another chocolate lab Dokken. Dokken was almost 16 years old when he passed away 4/14/08. He sure was the greatest brother to us and taught us an awful lot. We sure do miss him, but we know we have to behave because he is watching us. He's the handsome dude on our page waiting to get in the door!
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My Interests

We like to play ball! We like to chase the cats and run around the house like it's a Nascar track! We like to swim, go for car rides and hunt.

I'd like to meet:

All of our myspace friends and anyone who will play ball.


We like country music, well according to mom we do!


We like to watch Otis and Milo and any other movies with dogs and cats in it.


The remotes are tasty and we've been told it is getting expensive to replace them. We also like to watch hunting programs when they have pheasants on. That really catches our attention listening to them cackle!


We've chewed several. Those paperback ones are great, easy shredding.


Nick, he's our human brother and Dokken.

My Blog

A Tribute To Our Brother Dokken

Words cannot express how saddened we are that you passed over to Rainbow Bridge. You were the greatest brother to us. You accepted us into your home and showed us the ropes. We knew from the very fi...
Posted by Dekota & Yukon We Love you Dokken RIP! on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 06:49:00 PST

Thank you from Dokken

I asked mom if I could write a blog to thank everyone for praying for me and to let them know I am doing a little better, of course she said yes! I haven’t been feeling good the last few days an...
Posted by Dekota & Yukon We Love you Dokken RIP! on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 02:36:00 PST

We were tricked:(

Mom and dad were out for a few hours this morning running errands. They get home, we hear them talking and dad asks mom which one do you want to walk. She says, I'll take Yukon and Dokken, you take D...
Posted by Dekota & Yukon We Love you Dokken RIP! on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 02:40:00 PST

Our mom was tagged by Buddys mom!

Here are the rules. Each player starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their own ten things and post them. Then tag 8 friends an...
Posted by Dekota & Yukon We Love you Dokken RIP! on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 03:19:00 PST

Christmas Tree Update!

For those of you that read our blog a couple of weeks ago concerning our Christmas Tree Dilemma, here is an update! Well where do we start, oh yeah, now we know. The tree has sat naked for the last co...
Posted by Dekota & Yukon We Love you Dokken RIP! on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 10:28:00 PST

Christmas Tree Dilemma

Well, we got our tree yesterday. A really nice 6-7 footer too! Dad brought it in and set it all up right where it belongs. Mom always likes to wait a day before decorating it so the branches kinda r...
Posted by Dekota & Yukon We Love you Dokken RIP! on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 02:06:00 PST

Ivy Tagged Us!

Each player starts with 10 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write about their 10 things as well as post the rules.  At the end of your blog, choose 10 people to...
Posted by Dekota & Yukon We Love you Dokken RIP! on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 05:38:00 PST

We’ve been tagged 4 times

We've been tagged by Spencer, Candy, Hershey and Madison (US)and this is how it works: Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write about their 8...
Posted by Dekota & Yukon We Love you Dokken RIP! on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 04:33:00 PST

We have been tagged!

We've been tagged and this is how it works: Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write about their 8 things as well as post the rules.  At...
Posted by Dekota & Yukon We Love you Dokken RIP! on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 06:55:00 PST

The Last Three Years (Past, Present & Future)  By Mommy!

Well you see today is three years that Dekota and Yukon have come into our lives and I thought I would share with all their friends how we came about deciding to get another dog(s) and what it has b...
Posted by Dekota & Yukon We Love you Dokken RIP! on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 04:02:00 PST