My name is Lenora Woodwaddle. I am 60 years old and live in the United Kingdom. Or at least that's what it was before we were taken over by immigrants and the PC brigade. Now it's just a free-for-all, suck-us-dry, take-away-all-our-fun shithole of a place. At least we still have some balls, unlike those poor bastards in America who have been overrun by the Christian moral majority with their silly superstitious beliefs and right-wing politics. I am the voice of common sense. I won't have any of these politically-correct irritating pious bastards dictate to me what I can or can't do or say. I'll say what I damn well want. I'll do what I want and you won't stop me. I'm just a person with half a brain who doesn't need a 2000 year old, badly translated book to tell me what's right or wrong, or how to live my life. God (yes I do believe in something) gave me a brain to think for myself. In my view, the right-wing Christian fundamentalists (with the emphasis on mentalists) are every bit as bad as the Islamic extremists. This is the 21st century. Neither Jesus nor Mohammed are still around and if they were, I strongly doubt they'd still be living as though it were 33AD or the fucking 6th century. Sweeties, the world has moved on. Get with the times. Have your religion; practise it to your hearts' content. Just don't force it upon the rest of us who have more to fill our time. We don't all want our minds twisted to the point of violence or vengeance against people just because they don't share the same beliefs as us. And some of us are still intelligent enough to make our own decisions with out having to refer to what basically amounts to textbook instructions. I don't need an ancient book to tell me whether I need to stand or sit to have a piss. As you will have already gathered, I have quite a few opinions and I look forward to sharing them with you in my blogs. I will write my blogs on a regular basis (i.e. when I see fit and have something to say). If you are in any way politically correct, I welcome your opinions so feel free to message me with them. I will share the best ones with everyone. That is, after I have smoked a massive reefer and wet my knickers laughing at them first.
Love, Lenora.
P.S. Go fuck yourself.