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About Me

association for creativity and sociality in kenya: "KARIBU care" is a charitable organisation that was founded in July 2006 by Sista Iv, Austria. More than 20 million africans has been died by epidemic. 2,5 million people are infected in kenya. We talk about: AIDS!Our projects in kenya: to build wells is one of the most important things in these areas. Cause from long periods of dryseason - human being can't live without water.Another project: we start to build a kindergarden in thika for a children home. in december we've sent a container with building material, stuff for the project and toys for the children to kenya.I offloaded the goods from the container and I found a place where we store on coast. Cause of the post-election violence the fuel price is too high for another transport to upper country. peace for Kenya!We also opend the KARIBU care Computer College in Mtwapa. Soon we will start with our first classes. This will be very important so that we can run smaller projects with the money raised from this college.Our projects in austria: drum-course: for beginners and those which are advanced. Our teacher Christian Koch recieved his education from Fadouba Olare and his sons in west-africa.wine-sponsorship: "Water is life and life needs Water!" In rememberance of jesus who turns water into wine...we gonna changed the wine into water, so that we can realise our well project: austrian wine- and distillery-companies are selling wines and spirits for us.if you want to get more informations about our festivals and projects take a look at www.karibu.co.at

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My Interests

Encouraging everyone to engage in activities that promotes the eradication of poverty from the lives of the underprivileged!

I'd like to meet:

Verein für Kreativität und Soziales in KeniaUnsere Organisation wurde im Juli 2006 gegründet. Mehr als 20 Mio. Afrikaner sind bereits der Seuche zum Opfer gefallen. 2,5 Millionen Menschen sind allein in Kenia infiziert. Die Rede ist von AIDS!Unsere Projekte in Kenia: Mittlerweile ist unser zweites Brunneprojekt fertiggestellt und mehrere Hundert Menschen beziehen täglich frisches Trinkwasser aus unseren Brunnen um das Überleben ihrer Familien zu sichern.Ich eröffnete vor kurzem das KARIBU care COMPUTER COLLEGE in Mtwapa. Dies es ermöglicht uns Einnahmen für unser Hilfsprojekt in Kenya.Nun sind wir auf der Suche nach Sponsoren für unser Kindergarten-Projekt in Thika. Unsere Partnerorganisation hat uns ein Grundstück zur Verfügung gestellt und nun zeichnen österreichische Architekten den Plan für den Kindergarten.Eines unserer Ziele ist die Förderung des Bildungswesens!Bildung = ZukunftsperspektiveUnsere Projekte in Österreich:Trommelku rse, MusikveranstaltungenWeinpatenschaften: Wasser ist Leben - Leben braucht Wasser" Im Gedenken an Jesus, der bei der Hochzeit zu Kana Wasser in Wein verwandelte, drehen wir den Spieß um machen Wein zu Wasser! Durch die Unterstützung ausgesuchter Wein- und Destilleriebetriebe werden für unseren Verein Weine sowie Schnäpse verkauft.


Give a man a fish and you only feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for the rest of his life. in may we start our new projects we import bascets & bags (produced by the women of kyala village) to sell them fi di organication!


KARIBU care is open to everyone who has a desire to help the poor achieve better standard of living.


We look forward to get in touch with you: [email protected]




The only qualifications necessary is an enthusiastic attitude and a developed social consciousness. if you want fi get a member of "KARIBU care" association, just send us a e-mail: [email protected] membership for one year in our organisation is € 10,00. After sending the money on the acount of the association ya will recieve a letter and ya member-card. Each cent helps us to support our children in east-africa.

My Blog


The austrian association KARIBU care (NGO) is looking forward to find international/national artists, which send us a song for the KARIBU care song competition 2008. This song will be promoted on...
Posted by KARIBU care on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 12:56:00 PST