electro, old skool
Hello World!My name is Vadim (nickname - Provadd). I live in Belarus (Minsk-city). I'm big fan The Prodigy! I'm moderate the best site of CIS - www,theprodigy.ru.Please visit my page: www.provadd.com (russian).Special Thanx:The Prodigy Band (Liam, Keith and Maxim), Leeroy Thornhill (ex-The Prodigy, Flightcrank), Jim Davies (Victory Pill), Dj Hyper (Hyper Live), Kieron Pepper, Chemical Brothers, Moby and more-more...Thanx for MY FRIEND! YOU'RE THE BEST!
The Prodigy Band, Hyper, Flightcrank, Flint, Victory Pill
Night to Roxbery, James Bond 007, indian films.
Martin James, Paulo Koelho, russian classic.
I'm a Hero!